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Small Agency CFO Council
All Members
Council Officers
Small Agencies
 Executive Committee
  Council Officers Printer Friendly     
  Executive Chair
  Mr. Jeffrey Zients
  Deputy Director for Management
  Office of Management & Budget
  1650 Pennsylvania Avenue
Room 216
  Washington, DC 20503
  Office Phone: 202-395-1117
  Mr. Danny Werfel
  Acting Controller & Deputy Controller
  Office of Management & Budget
  725 17th Street, NW
Room 6025
  Washington, DC 20503
  Office Phone: 202-395-3993
  Fax: 202-395-3952
  Central Reporting Transformation Team Return to the Top
  Team Leader
  Mr. Kenneth Carfine
  Fiscal Assistant Secretary
 Department of the Treasury
 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 2112
 Washington, DC 20220
 Office Phone: 202-622-0560
 Fax: 202-622-0962
  Financial Systems - FSIO Oversight Transformation Team Return to the Top

  Team Leader
  Mr. Owen F. Barwell
  Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 Department of Energy
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 4A-253
 Washington, DC 20585
 Office Phone: 202-586-4171
 Fax: 202-586-7366
  Grant Governance/
Grants Policy Committee Transformation Team
Return to the Top

 Team Leader
  Mr. Thomas Cooley
  Chief Financial Officer
 National Science Foundation
 4201 Wilson Boulevard
Room 405
 Arlington, VA 22230
 Office Phone: 703-292-8200
 Fax: 703-292-9255
  Improper Payments Transformation Team Return to the Top

  Team Leader
  Ms. Sheila O. Conley
  Deputy Chief Financial Officer
  Department of Health & Human Services
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Hubert H. Humphrey Bldg, Room 555D
 Washington, DC 20201
  Office Phone: 202-690-7084
  Fax: 202-690-6339
  Performance Measurement Transformation Team Return to the Top

  Team Leader
  Ms. Kathleen Turco
  Chief Financial Officer
  General Services Administration
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 2140
 Washington, DC 20405
  Office Phone: 202-501-1721
  Fax: 202-501-1124
  Transition Transformation Team Return to the Top

 Team Leader
  Mr. Daniel L. Fletcher
  Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 Department of the Interior
 1849 C Street, NW
MS 5412
 Washington, DC 20240
 Office Phone: 202-208-4701
 Fax: 202-208-6940
  Members At-Large Return to the Top

  Mr. Steve Isakowitz
  Chief Financial Officer
  Department of Energy
  1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 253
  Washington, DC 20585
  Office Phone: 202-586-4171
  Fax: 202-586-7366
  Ms. Jolene Lauria-Sullens
  Deputy Chief Financial Officer
  Department of Justice
  950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 1117
  Washington, DC 20530
  Office Phone: 202-514-1843
  Fax: 202-616-6695
  Mr. Mark Reger
  Chief Financial Officer
  Office of Personnel Management
  1900 E Street, NW
Room 7508
  Washington, DC 20415
  Office Phone: 202-606-1918
  Fax: 202-606-4520
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Transformation Team Menu
  Central Reporting

  Financial Systems - FSIO Oversight

  Grant Governance/
Grants Policy Committee

  Improper Payments

  Performance Measurement


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