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MISR Center Block Time Tool

The misr_time tool calculates the block center times for MISR Level 1B2 files. This is particularly useful for files processed before August 2003. Data processed after that time includes these center block times stored in the file in the PerBlockMetadataTime vdata structure.

This tool creates an output file containing the block number and the block center time for each good data block within a MISR L1B2 file.

The misr_time tool is written in ITT Visual Information Solutions IDL programming language. It can be run either with a licensed version of the IDL package or by using the IDL Virtual Machine application. The IDL Virtual Machine is a free runtime version of IDL available from ITT Visual Information Solutions. The IDL VM software may be downloaded from this site or ordered from ITT VIS on CD at no cost. The site provides installation instructions. The misr_time tool was developed and tested with IDL and IDL VM version 6.1.

Additional information, including installation and program execution instructions, is available in a Readme file.

The misr_time tool software can be downloaded as a tar file containing nine files, misr_time.tar. The files may be extracted from the tar package using the Unix tar command or a utility such as WinZip on Windows PCs.

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