Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey



The United States is a nation of immigrants; but it is also a nation of laws. Our rich heritage of rule of law, blind justice, and equal opportunity is part of what draws people to our nation. And, it would be a disservice to all if we were to ignore that history for the sake of quick political gain or ease of administration, as some suggest.


Leaky borders not only invite circumvention of our immigration laws, but also open our nation up to extraordinary national security risks. Scott Garrett is working to ensure that our borders are sealed and that we’re doing all we can to encourage those who want to immigrate to this country to do so through legal means. His staff work hard every day to help Fifth District residents with green card, visa, and citizenship issues. In fact, Scott Garrett and his staff are particularly proud of the work they do to help American couples adopt children from overseas and he is a cosponsor of legislation to ensure that red tape and government bureaucracy don’t keep these loving families from coming together.


Scott Garrett has reintroduced in the 110th Congress his legislation to stop foreign governments from issuing matricula consular identification cards to illegal immigrants. In recent years, the Mexican government through its Embassy and 45 consulates in the U.S. has been promoting use of these cards to both legal and illegal immigrants. The cards are then used to establish bank accounts and more. The potential for use of such cards to damage national security interests is very real.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Rep. Scott Garrett Hails Today’s Senate Immigration Vote 6.28.2007

Press Release - Statement by Rep. Garrett on Illegal Immigrant Amnesty Proposal 5.21.2007

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