Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Open Space

Open Space

Scott Garrett is a leading advocate of open space preservation, seeking to balance protection of our natural heritage with protection of our constitutional heritage of private property rights. He helped to pass into law federal legislation to protect the Highlands region, which stretches across North Jersey. In fact, he offered an amendment to the House budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2008 to fully fund the $10 million-per-year Highlands Conservation Act.


His legislation to include portions of the Musconetcong River in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers program was signed into law by the President in December 2006. Citizen groups worked for decades to obtain this designation and Scott Garrett’s legislation was supported by the full NJ delegation, the 18 municipalities along the River, and the National Park Service. Scott Garrett and his office are now working with the National Park Service and the Musconetcong Watershed Association on the management plan that will protect the River while encouraging use consistent with its preservation.


Scott Garrett is also a strong supporter of the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge, working with local citizens and the Fish and Wildlife Service to preserve this natural treasure for generations to come. He has been working with citizen groups and Refuge staff to support the proposed expansion of the Wallkill. He is also an active member of the Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus.


Scott Garrett has been a strong supporter of clean-up efforts at the paint sludge dumpsite in Ringwood, New Jersey, helping to get it returned to the Superfund National Priorities List and to ensure that the health and safety of Ringwood residents is always paramount. He wants to ensure that Ringwood gets the resources and attention it needs to ensure that clean-up this time is complete and final.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Garrett Joins Highlands Conservation Leaders in Praising Federal Law 10.1.2007

Press Release - Rep. Garrett Presents “Take Pride in America” Award to the Musconetcong Watershed Association 8.21.2007

Press Release - Garrett Fights to Protect Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge 7.11.2007

Press Release - Congressman Garrett Secures Authorization For Federal Assistance to Greenwood Lake 4.20.2007

Press Release - Rep. Garrett Introduces Friends of Wallkill River Founder Marie Springer to Appropriations Subcommittee 4.19.2007

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