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  Publication Details

   Disparities and Gender Gaps in Women's Health, 1996
Product type:
   Chartbook 8
MEPS component:
   Household Component
Publication date (print version):
   October 2001
Web posting date:
   November 30, 2001
   This report focuses on three key aspects of women's health. The first section introduces data on health insurance status for women as compared to men and describes racial/ethnic differences among women. The second section presents information on access to care and use of medical services, including gender differences and racial/ethnic differences among women for usual source of care, use of care, and preventive services. Finally, the third section depicts women's health status, including functional limitations. It compares men and women, as well as women of different racial/ethnic groups, income levels, and educational status.
Pub #:
   AHRQ Pub. No. 02-0003
   Barbara L. Kass-Bartelmes, M.P.H., C.H.E.Barbara M.Altman, Ph.D. Amy K.Taylor, Ph.D.
   Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
PDF link:
   data_files/publications/cb8/cb8.pdf (272 KB)
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