autos |  | 
The cash-for-clunkers program ended Monday, but dealers will get until noon ET Tuesday to file for repayment after applications swamped the government computer system.
people |  | 
Forensic tests found the powerful anesthetic Propofol acted together with at least two sedatives to cause Michael Jackson's death on June 25.
washington |  | 
Threats against the detainees, who were hooded, shackled and, in some cases, naked, were among new details included in a series of documents released by the Justice Department.
economy |  | 
President Obama will nominate Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term today, the White House deputy press secretary said.
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Legal terms of probation unclear about alcohol use.
Mets fear elbow pain may end season for Santana.
Melissa Joan Hart sizes up her 'DWTS' competition.
Breast-feeding doll not God's idea of creation: Blogger.
Ex-champ Ortiz signs deal to face Coleman at UFC 106.
Do you give your dog unhealthy eats? Vet warns owners.

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Two reasons to buy home now: Rates low, tax credit ends.
Rep. Dan Lipinski wants Congress to rule on size.
'Harry and Horsie' is about Letterman's young son.
The 'Girl Next Door' shares travel tips with USA Today.
Colbie Caillat should think short on 'Breakthrough'.
Test-prep founder wanted to level playing field.


The Democratic reform effort hasn’t exactly been met with confetti and balloons by Republicans. Even so, Democrats could improve their legislation – and extend an olive branch of bipartisanship – by cherry-picking GOP ideas.

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NASA has cleared Discovery for liftoff Tuesday, and the weather looks promising as long as thunderstorms stay away during fueling.
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Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios
With a new class, the remake of Fame is keeping music old-school.
Medical issues
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The world-renowned cyclist and cancer research advocate is sending USA TODAY personal updates from the Global Cancer Summit.
nation |  | 
More than 1,800 Gulf War veterans were sent letters from the VA informing them that they had a fatal neurological disease, many erroneosly.
Social networks
education |  | 
By Dan Kitwood, Getty Images
College students say the technology makes them more narcissistic, a national survey reports today.
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Dave Magnusen has never used Twitter, yet it bugs him.
flights |  | 
Tired of overhead bins stuffed to the point of bursting, some frequent fliers say they would welcome a strict federal limit on luggage size.
weightloss |  | 
The FDA is investigating reports of liver damage in patients taking alli, the only nonprescription weight loss drug approved by the agency.
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For the second time, Tracy Kidder has written a book about a genuine hero who provides medical care for the poorest of the poor.
health |  | 
By CJ Gunther, for USA TODAY
David Heim has helped more than 500 people by refurbishing donated wheelchairs in his shop in Marlborough, Mass.
Across the USA
sports |  | 
A three-judge panel at the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the plan to offer single-game sports wagering violates federal law.
religion |  | 
By Judi Bottoni, AP
Archbishop Aymond, newly installed in New Orleans, is described as a builder and a quiet pragmatist.
eagles |  | 
Vick's teammates said the quarterback looks ready to play when the Philadelphia Eagles host Jacksonville on Thursday.
chargers |  | 
Quarterback Philip Rivers signed a six-year contract extension with the San Diego Chargers worth $93 million, with $38 million guaranteed.