
  • McHugh Column: Responsible Stewards
    Apr 22, 2009  - Marking Earth Day this month gives us the opportunity to reflect on our nation’s environmental priorities. It is clear that during these challenging economic times, Congress needs to be judicious about what regulations we enact and what programs we fund. I believe that maintaining a commitment to th... More
  • Honoring Our Veterans
    Nov 11, 2008  - Every year, on November 11, we have the privilege of honoring our nation’s veterans – those men and women who know the true meaning behind the words “courage” and “sacrifice,” and what it means to choose country over self. Veterans Day affords our country the opportunity to remember each and every v... More
  • Working Together to Help New Yorkers Lower Heating Costs
    Oct 28, 2008  - Winter is coming quickly to New York, and so is another financial crisis that may not make the headlines but will affect millions of families. According to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the statewide average spot price of home heating oil has jumped near... More
  • Economics 101: We Need More Supply
    Jul 18, 2008  - The headlines flash across our newspapers and TVs every day. “Oil reaches new record.” “Home heating costs predicted to rise this winter.” “Cost of food rising due to delivery costs.” However, we don’t need the media to tell us that energy prices are rising. Each and every one of us has seen the eff... More
  • A Memorial Day Gift
    May 21, 2008  - In Washington, DC, the nation's National Mall and Memorial Parks stretch through the middle of the city – a two mile length of grass that attracts 25 million visitors a year.  Lined with the Smithsonian museums, galleries, and national monuments, the Mall starts at the United States Capitol and ends... More
  • In My Own Words: A Healthy New York
    Apr 23, 2008  - New York is home to many of our nation’s greatest lakes, rivers, and forests. Our environment brings us both recreational and economic benefits every day, from vacationers who hike the Adirondacks and fish Lake Ontario to hydropower production along the St. Lawrence River. Yet, with these natural re... More
    Dec 22, 2007  - The cost of health care in the United States has exploded, placing high quality, accessible care outside the reach of too many of our citizens. Last year 47 million Americans at some point went without health insurance. As a result, preventable and chronic illnesses increase across the board, often ... More
    Oct 12, 2007  - Recently, the debate over the reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) has been dominating Capitol Hill and newspapers across the country. I am proud to support its reauthorization as SCHIP is an incredibly valuable and effective program for children living in poverty... More
    Aug 23, 2007  - Innovations in telecommunications have exploded across America, leading to a faster, more advanced flow of information that has spurred job creation within brand new industry.  Rural communities, unfortunately, are falling behind their urban counterparts in accessibility to this exciting techno... More
    Aug 10, 2007  - Last week economic development efforts for Northern and Central New York took a significant step forward in the U.S. House of Representatives. As part of a nationwide regional development bill, the Northern Border Economic Development Commission (NBEDC) was approved by the House Committee on Transpo... More