Daily Whipline

July 27, 2009


Printable Format

House Meets At... Votes Predicted At...
12:30 p.m. For Morning Hour
2:00 p.m. For Legislative Business 
Unlimited "One-Minutes" Per Side
Last Vote: 7:00 p.m.
Any anticipated Member absences for votes this week should be reported to the Office of the Majority Whip at 226-3210

Floor Schedule and Procedure

  • Suspension Bills: Today, the House will consider several bills on the Suspension calendar.  Bills considered on the Suspension calendar are debatable for 40 minutes; may not be amended; and require a two-thirds vote for passage.  If a recorded vote is requested, it will be postponed.
  1. H.R. 3219- Veterans' Insurance and Health Care Improvements Act of 2009 (Rep. Filner - Veterans' Affairs)

  2. H.R. 1293 - Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009 (Rep. Buyer - Veterans' Affairs)

  3. H.R. 2770 - Veterans Nonprofit Research and Education Corporations Enhancement Act of 2009 (Rep. Filner - Veterans' Affairs)

  4. H.R. 3155 - Caregiver Assistance and Resource Enhancement Act (Rep. Michaud - Veterans' Affairs)

  5. H.R. 509 - Marine Turtle Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2009 (Rep. Brown (SC) - Natural Resources)

  6. H.Res. 288 - Recognizing the importance of park and recreation facilities and expressing support for the designation of the month of July as "National Park and Recreation Month" (Rep. Barrow - Natural Resources)

  7. H.R. 1376 - Waco Mammoth National Monument Establishment Act of 2009 (Rep. Edwards (TX) - Natural Resources)

  8. H.R. 556 - Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act (Rep. Farr - Natural Resources)

  9. H.R. 1121 - Blue Ridge Parkway and Town of Blowing Rock Land Exchange Act of 2009 (Rep. Foxx - Natural Resources)

  10. H.Res. 616 - Congratulating the Louisiana State University baseball team for winning the 2009 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I College World Series (Rep. Cassidy - Education and Labor)

  11. H.R. 1035 - Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Amendments Act of 2009 (Rep. Grijalva - Education and Labor)

  12. H.J.Res. 44 - Recognizing the service, sacrifice, honor, and professionalism of the Noncommissioned Officers of the United States Army (Rep. Skelton - Armed Services)

  13. H.Res. 593 - Recognizing and celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State (Rep. Abercrombie - Oversight and Government Reform)

  14. H.Res. 373 - Expressing support for designation of the month of September as "National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month" (Rep. Bachmann - Oversight and Government Reform)

  15. H.R. 3072 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 9810 Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis, Missouri, as the "Coach Jodie Bailey Post Office Building" (Rep. Clay - Oversight and Government Reform)

  16. H.Res. 483 - Supporting the goals and ideals of Veterans of Foreign Wars Day (Rep. Kline - Oversight and Government Reform)

Quote of the Day

"All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.."

- Mohandas Ghandi