National Cancer Institute

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Funding Opportunities

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Funding Archive

Closed opportunities for:

Behavioral Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
NIH-Supported Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities (CPHHD) RFA-CA-09-001 (P50) May 29, 2009
RFA - Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research via Methodological and Technological Innovation in the Behavioral and Social Sciences RFA-RM-07-004 (R21) February 23, 2007
Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities RFA-ES-02-009 August 29, 2002
Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research   August 15, 2002

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Applied Cancer Screening Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Pathways Linking Education to Health Trans-NIH RFA OB-03-001 March 26, 2003
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care Practice PAR-04-036 June 24, 2005
NCI Transition Career Development Award (K22) PAR-04-040 October 2, 2005
Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral, and Population Sciences Career Development Award PAR-04-055 June 1, 2006, unless reissued

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Basic and Biobehavioral Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Decision Making in Health: Behavior Maintenance PA-05-016
PA-06-337 (R21s)
January 3, 2008
RFA - Field-Deployable Tools for Quantifying Exposures to Psychosocial Stress and to Addictive Substances for Studies of Health and Disease DA-07-005 December 22, 2006
Biobehavioral Pain Research Trans-NIH PA-03-152 July 30, 2006, unless reissued
Basic and Translational Research on Emotion - Small Grants PA-03-169  
Strengthening Behavioral and Social Science in Medical Schools. Trans-NIH RFA-OD-05-001 January 19, 2005
Research on Mind-Body Interactions and Health Trans-NIH RFA OD-03-008 December 17, 2003
Mind-Body Interactions and Health: Research Infrastructure Program RFA OB-03-004 (R24) July 16, 2003
Mind-Body Interactions and Health: Exploratory/Developmental Research Program RFA-OB-03-005 (R21) July 16, 2003
The Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice, Trans-NIH RFA-AT-02-001 April 11, 2002
Management of Symptoms at the End of Life PA-98-019 (R01)  
Basic and Biobehavioral Research On Cancer-Related Behaviors RFA CA-99-014 November 18, 1999
Basic and Biobehavioral Research On Cancer-Related Behaviors RFA CA-98-015 November 11, 1998

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Health Communication and Informatics Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research II (P50) RFA-CA-08-004 February 23, 2008
Exploratory Grants for Increasing the Utilization and Impact of the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Information Service RFA-CA-06-015 (R21) April 19, 2006
Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research RFA-CA-03-007 August 15, 2002
Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research CA-01-019 July 11, 2001
Cancer Communication and Interactive Media Technology PAR-00-137  
Health Communications in Cancer Control RFA CA-98-014 August 26, 1998

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Health Promotion Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Translating Basic Behavioral and Social Science Discoveries into Interventions to Reduce Obesity:  Centers for Behavioral Intervention Development

RFA-HL-08-013 (U01)  
January 13, 2009
NIH Revision Awards for Studying Interactions Among Social, Behavioral, and Genetic Factors in Health PAR-08-065 (R01)
PAR-08-066 (R21)
PAR-08-067 (P01, P20, P50, P60, U01, U10, U54)
May 14, 2008
Bioengineering Approaches to Energy Balance and Obesity - Trans-NIH PA-04-156 August, 2, 2007 unless reissued
NIH and AHRQ PA Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males PA-03-170 August 31, 2006 unless reissued
Obesity and the Built Environment - Trans-HHS RFA ES-04-003 December 18, 2004
New RFA on Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer RFA-CA-05-010
Pre-Application Meeting Information
November 16, 2004
Mechanisms of Physical Activity Behavior Change RFA CA-04-009 November 14, 2003
Maintenance of Long Term Behavioral Change, Trans-NIH RFA OB-03-003 April 11, 2003

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Tobacco Control Research

Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Testing Tobacco Products Promoted to Reduce Harm PA-06-361 (R21s) March 6, 2009
Improving Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Interventions and Programs in Low Income Adult Populations RFA-CA-08-023 (R21)
RFA-CA-08-022 (R01)
November 25, 2008
Measures and Determinants of Smokeless Tobacco Use, Prevention, and Cessation RFA-CA-08-025 (R21)
RFA-CA-08-024 (R01)
November 25, 2008
Fogarty International Center RFA - Framework Programs for Global Health RFA-TW-08-001 (R25) September 21, 2007
Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers. Trans-NIH Collaborative RFA-CA-04-012 January 23, 2004
Review and Analysis of Tobacco Industry Documents Program Announcement PAR-01-063 February 12, 2002
The International Tobacco and Health Research and Capacity Building Program
Press Release, June 2001
RFA-TW-02-005 October 26, 2001
NIDA RFA - The Next Generation of Drug Abuse Prevention Research DA-01-009 April 16, 2001
Research in State and Community Tobacco Control Interventions RFA-CA-01-017  
Global Network for Women's and Children's Health Research RFA-HD-00-007  
State Models For Oral Cancer Prevention and Early Detection RFA DE-00-005  
Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers RFA-CA-98-029  
Prevention and Cessation of Tobacco Use by Children and Youth in the U.S. RFA CA-98-002 March 27, 1998
Prevention and Cessation of Tobacco Use By Children and Youth In the U.S. RFA CA-97-010 May 8, 1997
Request for Proposals on Laboratory Assessment of Tobacco Use Behavior and Exposure to Toxins Among Users of New Tobacco Products Promoted to Reduce Harm   June 3, 2005

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Designing for Dissemination

Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Administrative Supplements for Dissemination of Surveillance Research (Domestic Funding Opportunity Only)


Frequently Asked Questions:
Administrative Supplements for Dissemination of Surveillance Research

PowerPoint Presentation:
Closing the Gap Between Discovery and Delivery
NOT-CA-08-008 April 1, 2008
Administrative Supplements for Dissemination of Surveillance Research (Domestic Funding Opportunity Only)


Frequently Asked Questions:
Administrative Supplements for Dissemination of Surveillance Research

PowerPoint Presentation:
Closing the Gap Between Discovery and Delivery
NOT-CA-07-004 May 1, 2007
Administrative Supplements for Dissemination of Surveillance Research


Background and Orientation to Dissemination & Implementation Research

Questions and Answers:
Applying for Administrative Supplement for Dissemination of Surveillance Research
NOT-CA-06-019 May 30, 2006
Administrative Supplements for Disseminating Evidence-Based Intervention Research Products

Instructions for Applying for Supplement

Questions and Answers:
Applying for Dissemination and Diffusion Supplements
NOT-CA-05-016 May 30, 2005
Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs) and the Translation of Research Into Practice PAR-04-041 January 11, 2005
Administrative Supplements for Disseminating Evidence-Based Intervention Research Products

Instructions for Applying for Supplement

Questions and Answers:
Applying for Dissemination and Diffusion Supplements
NOT-CA-04-011 June 30, 2004
Notice of Availability of Administrative Supplements for Disseminating Evidence-based Intervention Research Products

Instructions for Applying for Supplement

Questions and Answers:
Applying for Dissemination and Diffusion Supplements
NOT-CA-03-031 June 30, 2003
Disseminating Evidence-based Intervention Research Products (Letter RFA) CA-02-506  
Dissemination of Promising Cancer Control Interventions Tested in Effective Research Projects (Letter RFA) CA-02-502  

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Cancer Survivorship
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Administrative Supplements to Study Economic Impact of Interventions Targeting Cancer Survivors and/or their Families

NOT-CA-09-023 June 15, 2009
Administrative Supplements to Study Economic Impact of Interventions Targeting Cancer Survivors and/or their Families

NOT-CA-08-013 June 9, 2008
Research Partnerships For Improving Functional Outcomes PAR 04-077 October 13, 2006
Basic and Translational Research in Emotion: Small Grants: PA-03-169  
Reducing Barriers to Symptom Management and Palliative Care CA-05-013 September 27, 2004
Long Term Cancer Survivors: Research Initiatives RFA-CA-04-003 June 16, 2003
Long-Term Cancer Survivors: Research Initiatives RFA CA-97-018 November 25, 1997

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Applied Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance (CanCORS) Consortium (Limited Competition) RFA-CA-09-503 [U01] December 16, 2008
Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Factsheet
PA-07-060 May 8, 2008 unless reissued
Improved Measures of Diet and Physical Activity for the Genes and Environment Initiative RFA-CA-07-032 January 11, 2007
Economic Studies in Cancer Prevention, Screening and Care PA-06-304 (R21) November 2, 2006
Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium (CanCORS) CA-01-013  
Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Expansion RFA CA-98-025 July 15, 1999
Breast Cancer Surveillance Research RFA CA-95-004 April 21, 1995
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care Practice PAR-04-036 June 30, 2005 unless reissued

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Surveillance Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) RFA-CA-05-018 October 15, 2004
Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) CA-02-010 November 13, 2001
Geographic-Based Research in Cancer Control and Epidemiology PAS-00-120 July 19, 2001
Small Grants For Geographic-Based Research in Cancer Control and Epidemiology PAS-00-121 July 19, 2001

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Epidemiology and Genetics Research
Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Transdisciplinary Cancer Genomics Research: Post-Genome Wide Association Initiative RFA-CA-09-002 (U19) May 29, 2009
Rare Diseases Clinical Research Consortia (RDCRC) for the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network RFA-OD-08-001 (U54) August 20, 2008.
Replication and Fine-Mapping Studies for the Genes, Environment and Health Initiative RFA-CA-09-003 (R01) December 2, 2008
Administrative Supplements for Gene Identification Efforts: Replication and Fine-Mapping Studies: The Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative (GEI)


Frequently Asked Questions
NOT-CA-08-011 May 1, 2008
Comparative Systems Genetics of Cancer RFA-CA-08-017 (R01) May 15, 2008
Occupational Safety and Health Research PA-04-038 (R01) November 23, 2006, unless reissued.
Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative HG-06-014
November 30, 2006
Environmental Influences on Epigenetic Regulation RFA-ES-05-007 January 18, 2006
Cohort Studies in Cancer Epidemiology

Also, see the Additional Policy on the Acceptance for review of Applications Submitted Under PAR-04-011
PAR-04-011 November 2, 2005, unless reissued
Cohort Studies in Cancer Epidemiology NOT-CA-03-030 November 1, 2003
Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Centers RFA ES-03-001 April 14, 2003
Mechanisms Underlying Individual Variations in Drug Responses PA-99-016 (P01, R21, SBIR, STTR) October 1, 2002
Occupational Safety and Health Research PA-99-143 (R01) June 1, 2002
Research Methods for Occupational Health - Applications due PA-99-148 (R01) May 1, 2002
Molecular Epidemiology of Prostate Carcinogenesis

Investigators may wish to refer to "Defeating Prostate Cancer: Crucial Directions for Prostate Cancer Research".
PA-00-080 (R0l)  
Geographic-Based Research in Cancer Control and Epidemiology PAS-00-120  
Small Grants For Geographic-Based Research in Cancer Control and Epidemiology PAS-00-121  
Diet, Lifestyle, and Cancer in U.S. Populations PA-98-028 (P01, R01)  
Exposure Assessment Methods for Cancer Research RFA CA-01-018  
Small Grants Program for Cancer Epidemiology PAR-04-159 (R03) November 21, 2005; March 20, 2006; July 20, 2006; November 20, 2006; March 20, 2007; July 20, 2007; November 20, 2007; March 20, 2008; July 21, 2008; November 21, 2008.
RFA on Pharmacogenetics Research Network and Knowledge Base RFA-GM-04-002 (U01) August 19, 2004
Breast and Colon Cancer Family Registries Informatics Support Center BC-CFR's ISC)   August 12, 2004
Cancer Survivorship Studies in Established Epidemiologic Cohorts PA-98-027 (R01)  
Epigenomics of Human Health and Disease RFA-RM-08-017 (R01) October 29, 2008
Genetic Regulation of Susceptibility to Tobacco-Related Carcinogenesis PA-98-095  

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Health Disparities

Title Announcement # Expiration Date
NIH-Supported Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities (CPHHD) RFA-CA-09-001 (P50) May 29, 2009

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Career Development Awards

Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Established Investigator Award In Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavior, and Population Research PAR-03-149 (KO5) June 2, 2005, unless reissued

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Last Updated: June 23, 2009


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