Thursday, May 15, 2008

Isakson Praises Passage of Farm Bill
Calls It a Win for Rural America, Georgia Farmers

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today praised the Senate’s passage of a new five-year Farm Bill that continues to provide a safety net for farmers, increases conservation programs, provides incentives for renewable energy production and establishes a permanent disaster program.

“This Farm Bill is a win for rural America and for farmers in Georgia, where agriculture remains the number one industry in the state,” Isakson said. “I commend Senator Saxby Chambliss for his strong work in crafting this legislation and for making sure that we continue to meet the needs of farmers in Georgia and the Southeast.”

The conference report for the Farm Bill passed the Senate by a vote of 81 to 15. The conference report passed the House on May 14 by a vote of 318 to 106. President Bush has threatened to veto the legislation. Isakson will vote to override the veto.



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