Monday, February 13, 2006

Isakson Praises Passage of Senate Resolution
Declaring Valentine’s Day 2006 ‘A Day for Hearts’
Designed to Increase Awareness About Heart Defects  

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) today announced that February 14, 2006, will be recognized as “A Day for Hearts, Congenital Heart Defect Day” to increase awareness about congenital heart defects.

Isakson introduced the resolution, S.Con.Res.69, in December and drew five co-sponsors, including Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). The resolution passed in the Senate on February 7, by unanimous consent.  

“We want to bring attention to the fact that more than one million Americans have some form of congenital heart defect, and that it is the number one cause of death in infants,” Isakson said. “We also want to raise awareness that the United States has a severe shortage of cardiac centers that are fully equipped to provide care for adults living with complex heart defects.”

Sarah Anne Voyles, a 15-year-old constituent from Sandy Springs, Ga., proposed the legislation to Isakson and worked with him on crafting its wording.

“I appreciate Sarah Anne for bringing this to my attention. Sarah Anne was born with a heart defect and it has touched her life in a very personal way,” said Isakson. “I also appreciate her getting involved in the legislative process in a meaningful way at such a young age. I hope many young people can learn from her example.”




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