Friday, June 24, 2005

Isakson Blasts Supreme Court Decision on Eminent Domain
Ruling in Connecticut Case Sets ‘Very Dangerous Precedent’

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) today criticized the5-4 decision by the Supreme Court allowing local governments to take people's homes and businesses and turn them over to private developers.

“Yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court is deeply troubling and sets a very dangerous precedent,” Isakson said. “It opens the door for government to use the power of eminent domain far beyond what I believe was the intent of our Founding Fathers.” 

Historically, under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, eminent domain has been used to acquire private property for purposes such as roads, sewers, water lines and essential public utilities. 

The Court’s ruling yesterday in the New London, Connecticut, case will allow a private for-profit development to qualify as a ‘public use’ and allows a local government to use eminent domain powers to take private property from one citizen and transfer it for the benefit of another. 




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