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Photo of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the National Mall
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the National Mall.

Visiting Washington, D.C.

Few experiences compare with a visit to Washington, D.C. With its historically significant landmarks, awe-inspiring vistas, and opportunities to watch our government in action, a trip to our nation's capital is sure to inspire all Americans, young and old. I encourage Floridians to visit Washington, D.C., and I hope you will make my office your home-away-from home while you are here.

We've compiled a list of the most frequently visited attractions in Washington and their websites. Most of these destinations are free and open to the public, with tours scheduled daily.

If visiting the U.S. Capitol is on your list, I invite you to join me for a "Welcome Florida" gathering on Wednesday mornings when the Senate is in session. Please call my Washington office at (202) 224-5274 to RSVP or to get more information.

U.S. Capitol Tours:

The Capitol Visitor Center is now the main entrance to the Capitol Building. All guided tours of the Capitol Building begin and end in the Center. We encourage you and your family to view the orientation film, peruse the exhibition hall, and enjoy all the wonderful amenities now offered by the Capitol Visitor Center during your visit to Washington, D.C

For more information and reservations, please visit their website at

At any time, please feel free to stop by our office to sign our guestbook, say hello to our staff, and pick up your gallery passes.

White House Tours: 

We can request a White House tour for you. Forty-five minute, self-guided tours are offered Monday through Friday mornings.

Due to the volume of requests, the White House is often booked several months in advance. To maximize your chances of getting a tour, please make your request at least 4 months--but no more than 6 months--in advance. Due to White House procedures, we will not be able to confirm your White House tour until two weeks prior to the date requested.

The White House may not grant some tour requests, even if submitted in a timely manner.

To request a White House tour, please complete our tour request form. Upon completing the tour request form, you will be asked to email us your security information.