
Rep. Foster Announces More Than $60 Million in Stimulus Funds for Fermilab
August 5, 2009  - Today, as part of his continued efforts to create jobs and grow the economy, Rep. Bill Foster announced that Fermi National Laboratory will receive $60.2 million to be used for next-generation particle accelerator technologies and neutrino research. The funds are provided by the American Recovery an... More

Foster Announces GI Bill Benefits Now in Full Effect
August 1, 2009  - Rep. Bill Foster (IL-14) is proud to announce that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans will now begin receiving college education benefits under the new GI Bill for the 21st Century.  Eligible students could receive payment of tuition and fees, a monthly housing allowance, a stipend for books and supplies... More

Foster Votes to Extend Successful Cash for Clunkers Initiative
July 31, 2009  - After the success of the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act (CARS), or Cash for Clunkers, reportedly exhausted its funding after less than one week, Rep. Bill Foster (IL-14) voted to allocate an additional $2 billion to the initiative. The bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 316-1... More

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