Region Three CWPPRA Projects: Construction Status

Project Name Description of Project Work Acres Benefited Completion Date Construction Status
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery construction of distributary channel; use of dredged materials to create delta lobe islands and to facilitate sediment trapping 2232 21-Mar-98 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Big Island Mining (Increment 1) construction of distributary channel; use of dredged materials to create delta lobe islands and to facilitate sediment trapping 1560 8-Oct-98

construction complete;
monitoring in progress

Castille Pass Sediment Delivery dredging and extension of Castille Pass to promote subdelta development and improve water and sediment delivery 589 1-Dec-02 engineering and design phase
Vermilion River Cutoff Bank Protection rock armoring of east bank for shoreline protection 65 11-Feb-96 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Boston Canal Bank Protection developing bank protection with structures and vegetative plantings; sediment fencing behind structures 378 30-Nov-95 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Cote Blanche Hydrologic Restoration installation of low-level weirs and foreshore dike for shoreline protection; vegetative re-establishment 2223 15-Dec-98 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Little Vermilion Bay Sediment Trapping dredging of distributary channels; use of dredge spoils to create low elevation terraces; vegetative plantings 441 20-Aug-99 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Sediment Trapping at the Jaws dredging of distributary channels; construction of terraces; vegetative plantings 1999 1-Feb-02 engineering and design phase
Oaks / Avery Canals Hydrologic Restoration (Increment 1) stabilization of bank line; installation of rock weir and earthen plug; spoilbank maintenance, sediment fencing, and vegetative plantings 160 30-Apr-02 construction phase
Marsh Island Hydrologic Restoration construction of plugs in existing canals; shoreline stabilization; use of dredged material to isolate Lake Sand from Vermilion Bay 408 15-Oct-01 construction start
scheduled May 01
Lake Portage Land Bridge (Increment 1) armoring of the beach with rock to prevent the shoreline south of Lake Portage from breaching; creation of another pass from Vermillion Bay to the gulf; canal backfilling 24 30-Dec-01 engineering and design phase
Four - Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping construction of terraces to reduce shoreline erosion; dredging of conveyance channels; vegetative plantings on terraces 327 1-Dec-02 engineering and design phase
Weeks Bay / Commercial Canal / GIWW SP construction of a sheetpile wall; armoring of shore/bank areas with rock revetment to prevent shoreline and bank erosion; construction of a low sill weir across Commercial Canal to allow sediment laden freshwater to reach the marshes 138 unscheduled engineering and design phase
Freshwater Bayou Canal HR/SP — Belle Isle to Lock construction of a rock dike along the eastern bank of Freshwater Bayou Canal between Belle Isle Canal and Freshwater Bayou Lock 529 unscheduled engineering and design phase
Isles Dernieres Restoration (Phase 0) use of existing sand for dune build-up; closure of breaches and construction of side dikes; suction dredging to fill areas within structures; vegetative plantings 9 24-Oct-98 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Isles Dernieres Restoration (Phase 1) dune build-up, breach closures, construction of side dikes; suction dredging; elevated-marsh platform creation; vegetative plantings 109 22-Oct-98 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Point Au Fer Canal Plugs installation of seven plugs in Area 1 to restore flow through natural channels; limestone rip-rap in Area 2 to slow shoreline erosion 375 8-May-97 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
West Belle Pass Headland Restoration installation of water control structure in Evans Canal, plug placement on canals; use of dredged material for wetland creation; installation of rip-rap 474 17-Jul-98 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Whiskey Island Restoration placement of dredged materials for wetland creation; closure of the breach at Coupe Nouvelle; vegetative plantings 1239 25-Aug-98 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
East Timbalier Island Restoration (Phase 1) placement of dredged sand to create wetland habitats; addition of rock to existing breakwater to reduce wave-induced erosion 1913 1-Jul-01 construction phase
Lake Chapeau Marsh Creation & Hydrologic Restoration use of dredged material for wetland restoration; construction of plugs in man-made canals; restoration of natural hydrologic pathway by cutting gaps in spoil banks 509 18-May-99 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
Brady Canal Hydrologic Restoration replacement of fixed-crest weir; installation of rock plug in oil-field canal; construction of earthen embankment; and maintenance of overflow banks and existing structures 297 22-May-00 construction complete;
monitoring in progress
East Timbalier Island Restoration (Phase 2) pumping of dredged sand to create dune and intertidal wetland habitats 215 1-Jul-01 construction phase
Bayou Lafourche Siphon (revised) first phase includes evaluation, engineering and design, with various potential alternatives 988 unscheduled engineering and design phase
Grand Bayou / GIWW Freshwater Diversion (revised) deepening of channel and installation of weir to reduce saltwater intrusion and retain freshwater 1808 1-Sep-02 engineering and design phase
Penchant Basin Plan (Increment 1) replacement of existing structure in Brady Canal with bulkhead; installation of rock weir and variable-crest weir; use of dredged material for wetland creation 1155 30-Mar-04 engineering and design phase
Lake Boudreaux Freshwater Introduction dredging and installation of sluice gates and outfall management structures for freshwater introduction; flood protection measures 619 1-Jan-03 engineering and design phase
New Cut Dune / Marsh Restoration closure of the breach between Trinity and East Islands through direct creation of dune and marsh habitat 102 unscheduled engineering and design phase
Timbalier Island Dune / Marsh Restoration creation of dune and marsh to restore the eastern end of Timbalier Island 273 unscheduled engineering and design phase
South Lake DeCade Freshwater Introduction installation of a water control structure in the southern bank of Lake DeCade; provision of shoreline protection; weir removal 201 1-Jan-03 engineering and design phase