Breaux Act Newsflash - CWPPRA Technical Committee Meeting April 15

CWPPRA Technical Committee Meeting:

Date/Time: April 15, 2009, meeting starts at 9:30 a.m.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

7400 Leake Ave., New Orleans, LA

District Assembly Room (DARM)

CWPPRA Technical Committee

Mr. Tom Holden: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Mr. Darryl Clark : U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Mr. Kirk Rhinehart: LA Dept. of Natural Resources

Mr. Richard Hartman: National Marine Fisheries Service

Mr. Tim Landers: Environmental Protection Agency

Mr. Britt Paul: Natural Resources Conservation Service

Key Draft Agenda Items:

The Technical Committee will review and take public comment on the 19th
Project Priority List (PPL 19) nominee projects. The Technical Committee
will select 10 candidate projects and up to 3 demonstration candidate
projects to be further evaluated for PPL 19. Other agenda items will be

For draft agenda items and more information:

If you have any questions or if you need special assistance, call Ms.
Melanie Goodman, Acting Chairman Planning and Evaluation Subcommittee at
(504) 862-1940. If you have any address changes, call Mr. Scott Wandell, at
(504) 862-1878