Breaux Act Newsflash - Nature Conservancy to host discussion on Pontchartrain Basin

All the King's Horses and All the King's Men
Can we put Pontchartrain Basin back together again?

Like most of coastal Louisiana, the ecosystem within which New Orleans
sits is in serious decline. The earth surrounding - and upon which - the
city was built is sinking, so that even average rain events require hours
of pumping before city streets are dry again. Inhabitants of this
ecosystem still awake each day to the stark reality that in the preceding
24 hours, some 60 acres of wetlands have disappeared from coastal
Louisiana. How long will it be before an entire culture disappears as
well? What will happen to New Orleans the next time a hurricane hits? Can
we really hope to save our coastal wetlands?

We invite members of the public to join representatives from conservation
organizations, academia, and government for an open discussion about the
challenges facing this unique and disappearing part of the world.

Sunday, July 17
Coastal Zone '05 Conference
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Marriott Hotel: Balcony I
555 Canal St., New Orleans
$25 registration

Please contact Cindy Brown of The Nature Conservancy for more information: