Breaux Act Newsflash - Coastal bill to be considered Thursday morning

An important coastal bill to be considered by the Senate Natural Resources
Committee on Thursday morning, April 28

On Thursday morning in the Senate Natural Resources Committee, Governor
Kathleen Blanco will testify in support of the Senate Bill proposing the
Constitutional Amendment by which federal revenues generated from Outer
Continental Shelf activities may be credited to the state for use in
coastal restoration. Senate Bill 187 and enabling legislation SB 195, both
offered by Senator Reggie Dupre, District 20, are available to review on
the Website of the Louisiana Legislature (

All are welcome to come out and view the testimony. It will begin with
the governor at approximately 10:30 a.m.

For more information, please contact Cynthia Duet with the Governor's
Office of Coastal Activities at (225) 342-3968 or