Breaux Act Newsflash - LWF Conservation Award Winners Announced

Louisiana Wildlife Federation Names Top Conservation Award Winners

Louisiana State Senator, Joe McPherson of Woodworth was honored Saturday
evening (March 5) with the Governor’s Award for conservation achievement.
The award is presented annually to the person or organization deemed to
have made the most outstanding contribution toward the protection and wise
use of the state's natural resources - air, soil and minerals, forests,
waters, fish and wildlife during the previous year from among nominations
submitted by the public. The selection for this and 7 other awards was
made by a panel of independent judges with expertise in a wide range of
conservation fields.

McPherson received the award, a handsome statuette of a bald eagle, at the
41st Conservation Achievement Recognition Banquet held at the Holiday Inn
in Monroe where the Louisiana Wildlife Federation convened for its 66th
Annual Meeting. The awards were presented by Secretary of the Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries representing Governor Blanco and
Jerome Ringo, Chairman-Elect of the National Wildlife Federation.

McPherson was cited for his legislative achievements in support of
sportsmen and conservationists including the "Freedom to Hunt, Fish & Trap"
constitutional amendment, securing state management of the 71,000 acre
White Lake Preserve, protecting scenic rivers, preventing the marketing of
black bass and crappie raised in aquaculture, pursuing a resolution to the
problem of loss of public access to public waters, and securing additional
funding for the enforcement of fish and wildlife conservation laws, among
others. A testament to his dedication and perseverance, McPherson, now
serving his 5th term in the Louisiana Senate, has been recognized on 3
previous occasions as the top conservationist in the elected official
category of the Governor’s Conservation Achievement program.

Four individuals, two organizations and a company were also recognized for
their outstanding conservation achievements in 2004. They are:

(Professional Category) Chad James Courville of Carencro, Regional
Biologist for Ducks Unlimited for outstanding achievement in delivering on
the ground conservation programs and regrouping support among waterfowlers
for DU’s wetland conservation efforts through development and delivery of
educational outreach programming;

(Volunteer Category) Ann Bloxom Smith of Monroe, president of Friends of
Black Bayou for her outstanding leadership of the nation’s top Friends (of
National Wildlife Refuges) organization;

(Youth) Boy Scout Troop 405 Evangeline Area Council, Lafayette for its
energetic program of community service through conservation projects;

(Business) Shell Pipeline Company, LP for its initiative and leadership in
the effort to save and restore the Louisiana’s eroding coast;

(Educator) Barry Joseph Guillot of Luling, Hurst Middle School instructor
for innovating an award-winning service-learning program, LaBranche Wetland
Watchers, reaching 1200 students annually with lessons about wetland

(Communicator) Philip J. Timothy, Jr. of Deville, former outdoor writer for
the Alexandria daily Town Talk and editor of the bi-weekly Louisiana
Hunting & Fishing section formerly featured in 5 Gannett newspapers for
bringing outdoor and conservation news to an eager but under-served
readership in central and north Louisiana;

(Organization) The Barrataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program for its
comprehensive program of educational outreach and projects to restore and
conserve Louisiana’s largest estuary.

The Louisiana Wildlife Federation is a statewide conservation education and
advocacy organization with over 13,000 members and 30 affiliate groups.
Established in 1940, it is affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation
and represents a broad constituency of conservationists including hunters,
fishers, campers, birders, boaters, and other outdoor enthusiasts.

For additional information contact Randy P. Lanctot at (225) 344-6707