Breaux Act Newsflash - MRC Holds Meeting; The Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem Restoration Study

VICKSBURG, MISS., December 15, 2004 - The Mississippi River Commission
(MRC) held a meeting today concerning the Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem
Restoration Study Report. The study, commonly referred to as LCA, is
designed to map out a strategy for restoring Louisiana's nationally
significant coastal wetlands.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide the commission members
information on the LCA study in order for them to make an informed and
prudent decision as to their support of the report and recommendations.

Commission members present at the meeting were Brig. Gen. Robert Crear
(President-designee of the Mississippi River Commission and Division
Commander of the Mississippi Valley Division), Mr. Sam Angel and Mr.
Clifford Smith. Mr. R.D. James and Brig. Gen. William Grisoli participated
via teleconference.

During the one-and-a-half-hour meeting, the commission reviewed the
project, discussed the features and issues, concurred in the findings and
recommendation of the New Orleans District Engineer, and voted unanimously
to recommend implementation. The next step in the process is for the MRC
Report to be transmitted to the Corps' Headquarters in Washington, D.C.,
for inclusion in the Chief of Engineer's Report. The Chief's Report marks
a significant step in the process; if approved, the package will be
forwarded to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works for
transmitting to Congress.

This study has received unprecedented support and collaboration between
federal, state, partners, other agencies and groups and the general public.
All federal agencies have provided a letter of support for the project. "I
am very impressed with the work of the interagency team and the universal
support this project has garnered," stated Brig. Gen. Robert Crear.

The study area, which includes the Louisiana coastal area from Mississippi
to Texas, is influenced by the Mississippi River. The river's resources
are available to contribute to the restoration of the coastal ecosystem.
The federal government and state of Louisiana have been conducting
ecosystem restoration efforts for the past 14 years under the Breaux Act.

The lessons learned and extensive experience gained from past restoration
and research efforts have been applied in the LCA Study and can continue to
be applied in a systematic way to develop and implement a coast wide plan
for addressing the land loss problem and critical needs facing the area.

The recommended plan has seven major components, including five critical
restoration projects, a science and technology program, and a series of
demonstration projects described as follows:

Near-Term Critical Restoration Features. The recommended plan includes a
number of critical restoration projects, five of which are recommended for
near-term continued study, design, and implementation. These five projects
address the most critical ecological needs of the coastal area and address
a range of effects essential for success in restoring the coast. The five
near-term critical restoration features are:

1. Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Environmental Restoration Features
2. Small Diversion at Hope Canal
3. Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline Restoration, Caminada Headland,
Shell Island
4. Small Bayou Lafourche Reintroduction
5. Medium Diversion at Myrtle Grove with Dedicated Dredging

Science & Technology Program. The recommended plan includes a Science and
Technology Program over the initial 10 years of the LCA program. The major
goal of the program would be to decrease scientific and engineering
uncertainties of restoration efforts and to optimize restoration

Demonstration Projects. The recommend plan includes funding over a 10-year
period for demonstration projects to be developed by the Science and
Technology Program. These projects will cost a maximum of $25 million

"I am extremely proud of what we've accomplished in the last two-and-a-half
years," said Jon Porthouse, Planning Section Manager with the Department of
Natural Resources, State of Louisiana. "This study is the culmination of a
strong scientific effort that will help us succeed in the future. I look
forward to beginning the hard work that's ahead of us."

More information on the LCA Study can be found at

The Mississippi River Commission has statutory authority to operate on the
Mississippi River from its headwaters at Lake Itasca, Minn., to Head of
Passes, La. This authority is dependant upon congressional authorization
and funding of projects. The projects considered and implemented by the
MRC may be part of the existing Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T)
project or separate projects. The MR&T project, authorized by Congress
following the 1927 flood, is the comprehensive flood control and navigation
plan for the lower Mississippi valley, below Cape Girardeau, Mo. District
offices located in St. Paul, Minn.; Rock Island, Ill.; St. Louis, Mo.;
Memphis, Tenn.; Vicksburg, Miss.; and New Orleans, La., conduct the
programs and activities overseen by the commission.

For additional information contact Julie Morgan at 504-862-2587 or