Breaux Act Newsflash - LCA to Discuss 32 Subprovince Alternatives

LCA to Discuss 32 Subprovince Alternatives and Their Effectiveness

The Coast 2050 Planning Process developed Regional Ecosystem Restoration
Strategies through a series of 65 public meetings. Many of these
strategies were conceptual in nature and required some level of design to
examine potential effects of implementing these strategies. By
understanding how the concepts from the Coast 2050 strategies interact to
change the ecosystem, we can propose a balanced comprehensive coastwide
plan that provides for a sustainable ecosystem.

In Phase II of the LCA planning process, more than 100 restoration measures
were developed. Measures are specific projects, such as freshwater
re-introduction (also known as diversion), marsh creation and barrier
island restoration at specific sites. None of these measures represents a
single and complete alternative. Therefore, measures must be combined to
form alternatives. The subprovince alternatives will serve as a basis for
future evaluations within the process being developed to select a coastwide
restoration plan. At the upcoming meetings, the LCA team will discuss
these 32 alternatives and their effectiveness.

For information on LCA meetings in May and June or to review the
"Introduction to Subprovince Alternatives for the LCA Study," go to: