Breaux Act Newsflash - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting


Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (Breaux Act)

Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for Process Review

The Ad Hoc Committee for Process Review will meet at 9:30 a.m. on August
22, 2000, in the Louisiana Room of the Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  The purpose of the
meeting is to discuss potential changes to project selection process for
the 11th Priority Project List.  Included in this review will be a
determination as to whether Coastwide and Mapping Unit strategies should
be allowed, whether there should be a 2-year process to allow for
complex project development, and a review of procedures used to quantify
benefits (Wetland Value Assessment).

Other ways to improve the prioritization, selection, and implementation
of Coast 2050 strategies may also be discussed. Attendees of the August
3rd coastal stakeholders meeting in New Orleans are encouraged to

The goal of the Ad Hoc Committee is to have a recommendation for the
11th Priority Project List Process to present to the Technical Committee
at its next meeting on 14 September 2000.  If you have any questions,
please call Mr. Tom Podany, at (504) 862-2502.

Tom Podany
Chairman, Planning and Evaluation Subcommittee