Implementation Of Coast 2050 Plan
Priority List Selection Process

Section A. Prioritization of Coast 2050 Regional Ecosystem Strategies by Strategic Objectives by Hydrologic Basin Jan thru mid-Feb 2000

  1. Regional Planning Teams (RPT), together with members of the Citizen Participation Group (CPG), rank all Regional Ecosystem Strategies by hydrologic basin, using Coast 2050 Strategic Objectives (see Pg. 2 of Coast 2050). During prioritization, sequencing of strategies will be considered. Mapping unit and coastwide strategies will not be considered in this prioritization effort. (Feb 14-17)
  2. To facilitate strategy ranking, the Planning and Evaluation Subcommittee (P&E) prepares map of each hydrologic basin indicating the project area of all restoration projects (CWPPRA PL 1-9 projects and PL 9 complex projects, Corps of Engineers 1135, 204,206 projects, etc). One layer of this map will be the Suhayda loss projections for the year 2050. (Feb 1-12)
Section B. Development and Preliminary Ranking of Projects. February thru April 2000
  1. Technical Committee places each strategy into one of the following categories: a) candidate for CWPPRA funding; b) candidate for Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) funding; c) programmatic strategy (such as Maintain Atchafalaya Mudstream"). There may be some overlap; barrier islands and some diversion projects could be in both Categories a and b. (Feb. 24)
  2. Technical Committee reviews, adjusts, and approves priorities for strategies submitted by RPT. The Technical Committee chooses a manageable number of the prioritized regional strategies in each basin for project development this year. After this point, neither agencies nor individuals can add more strategies to the list to be considered for PL 10. (Feb. 24)
  3. Each RPT convenes Basin Subcommittees to develop the projects for CWPPRA strategies chosen by the Technical Committee as having a high priority in each basin. These Basin Subcommittees include the CWPPRA agencies, academic advisors, landowners, environmental groups, parish/community officials, members of the CPG, and the general public. The subcommittees evaluate each high priority strategy and list all the projects necessary to accomplish each strategy. (Demonstration projects will be selected as provided in Demonstration Project SOP, as amended.) (completed by March 31)
  4. Basin Subcommittees prepare preliminary map and brief fact sheet for each project that accomplishes the high-priority strategies. (completed by March 31)
  5. Engineering Work Group calculates preliminary first cost for each project, based on engineering judgment and historical costs. Uses cost ranges. (completed by Apr. 26)
  6. Environmental/Engineering Work Groups apply November 1999 Coast 2050 Criteria, or revision thereto, to each project. (April) (completed by Apr. 26)
  7. P&E takes information from B3 through B6 above and prepares matrix of projects by basin (in order of ranked strategies from B2) that lists cost range and Coast 2050 Criteria score. (May 4 Meeting)
  8. P&E Subcommittee furnishes matrixes to Technical Committee and State Wetlands Authority. (mailed by May 5)
Section C. Selection of Projects as Phase 0 Candidates for PL 10 mid-May 2000.
  1. Technical Committee, at a public meeting, considers preliminary costs and Coast 2050 Criteria score, and selects less than 20 projects as Phase 0 candidates for further analysis. (May 17 Meeting)
  2. Technical Committee assigns an agency to each project for fact finding/further development.
Section D. Phase 0 Analysis of PL 10 Candidate Projects mid-May thru November 2000.
  1. Interagency field visit to each project site/area with members of Engineering/Environmental Work Groups, academics, and LDNR monitoring staff.
  2. Engineering/Environmental Work Groups and academics meet to refine projects on basis of site visit.
  3. Evaluating agency develops Project Information Sheet on its assigned projects. Uses standard format developed by Economics/Engineering/Environmental Work Groups. Answers "Compatibility With Coast 2050" questions in as much detail as possible and quantitatively, where possible (see Fact Sheet from B4 above). Produces Phase 1 and 2 engineering and design and cost estimates. Ensures that project is evaluated in a timely, cost-effective manner.
  4. Engineering WG reviews/approves Phase 1 and 2 cost estimates from evaluating agencies.
  5. Economics WG reviews cost estimate, adds monitoring, O&M, etc. and develops annualized costs. Especially reviews Phase 1 costs to ensure they are accurate.
  6. Environmental/Engineering/Monitoring WG's evaluate all projects. Consider modifying WVA. At minimum, develop estimate of acres created/restored/protected by each project. If nothing new approved by the Environmental WG by May 2000, default to current WVA.
  7. Environmental/Engineering/Monitoring Work Groups meet to refine goals and objectives developed in Step B. Also develop monitoring parameters of interest and opportunity costs.
  8. Environmental/Engineering WG's review, and revise if necessary, the Coast 2050 Criteria score from B6, considering newly developed information.
  9. P&E Subcommittee prepares information package for Technical Committee and State Wetlands Authority. Package consists of updated Project Information Sheets and a matrix for each basin that lists projects in order of ranked strategies from B2 above. Matrix will include cost, WVA results (to include at a minimum, acres created, restored and/or protected by each project), cost effectiveness (cost per acres created, restored, and/or protected), Coast 2050 Criteria, and Supporting Partnerships. The following will be discussed qualitatively: Public Support, Risk/Uncertainty, Longevity/Sustainability. Planning will continue on any projects that are not ready for consideration in November 2000. These projects will be candidates for Phase 1 funding in 2001.
  10. P&E holds three Public Hearings in the coastal zone to present projects and matrix and to allow public comment.
Section E Selection of PL 10. December 2000- January 2001.
  1. Technical Committee uses matrix and Project Information Sheets and considers public comments to recommend projects for PL 10, Phase 1.
  2. CWPPRA Task Force determines which projects go into PL 10, Phase 1.
All meetings/field trips will be posted on the CWPPRA Web Page calendar (