Explore Coastal Louisiana CD Soon To Be Released

cover of Explore Coastal Louisiana with Boudreaux

    Explore Coastal Louisiana, a highly interactive educational CD-ROM, is soon to be released.  The CD is funded by the Breaux Act (Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act), the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, and the U.S. Geological Survey's National Wetlands Research Center.  The Breaux Act and the Center are sponsoring statewide workshops to introduce teachers to using this exciting new educational tool.

    Teachers have shown much enthusiasm about this product during workshop demonstrations that have been presented since June of this year.  Cajun music and a character named "Boudreaux" welcome the user to the "camp" with a foyer, map room, main room, library, kids' room, and "swamp tours" room that are filled with information.  Videos, maps, narrated panels, and quizzes present the information in an interactive, entertaining style.  The library includes a quiz where the student must identify birds by their song and a section with information about many common birds.  The map room shows several maps, including wetland loss animations, and explains the development of maps and the variety of topics they can cover.  Kids can access a coloring book and quizzes in the kids' room.  A teachers' guide, formulated by a Lafayette teacher, lists how the material can be used to satisfy Louisiana Department of Education Content Standards and provides supplemental activities, a wetlands test, and other useful resources.  The CD is a fun way for students of all ages to learn about south Louisiana wetlands and the creatures living in them.

    The workshops will cover wetland functions and values, loss, and restoration efforts. The CD and other materials will be demonstrated and distributed free of charge.  If a computer lab is available at the workshop location, teachers will be able to experiment with the CD.  Also, if Internet access is available, the Breaux Act website, lacoast.gov, will be reviewed.  The website contains extensive wetland information, a listing of all Breaux Act projects, a teachers' guide called The Fragile Fringe, and links to other educational sites.  Anyone interested in ordering a CD, will be able to click on "Free Stuff" to order it, or a variety of other materials, through the website.  To request workshop information or for questions regarding the CD, contact Gabrielle Boudreaux Bodin at 337-266-8623 or Gabrielle_Bodin@usgs.gov