Coast 2050 Feasibility Study Meeting

The first Coast 2050 Feasibility Study meeting is scheduled for 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM on Thursday, August 12, 1999 in Side B of the District Assembly Room.

The following provides some background on the study:

The goal of the Coast 2050 study is ecosystem restoration in coastal Louisiana. The effort is anticipated to include about 10 to 15 studies over the next 10 years, for an estimated total study cost of about $35 million. The first study identified for initiation is for the Barataria Basin. We are tasked with two phases of completion on the Barataria study: Phase I completion in 18 months, and a Phase II completion in about 3 years. Details of these phases will be discussed in the meeting.

In an attempt to minimize the number of folks that could not make this feasibility study meeting, we called members that could be reached this week, in order to understand their availability over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Unfortunately, we could not accommodate everyone, due to many having prior schedule conflicts. Additionally, some folks are on leave this week and could not be reached. For those who can't make this meeting, please send someone from your office to represent you, so they can brief you on the meeting. Also, I can meet individually with those who can't make it for the meeting.

The focus of this meeting will be to:

* Provide the team with a background and overview of the study, its significance, goals and objectives, and completion timeframes and milestones.
* Discuss study methodology, work products, and tasks in a team setting.
* Discuss development of the Project Study Plan (PSP) by the team.

A tentative list of team members are listed below for you information. Some folks are not yet confirmed, but we're working on it.

We have also completed rough draft form, a copy of the PSP thus far for the Barataria study. Click here for a copy (Click here to download Adobe Reader PDF). This contains a preliminary description of tasks. Please review as much of this document as you can prior to the meeting, but especially the description of tasks for your respective technical area. At the meeting, we would like to interactively discuss what revisions/additions/deletions of tasks are necessary. The document is about 50 pages, so you may want to print only select sections.

For your benefit, click here for the Coast 2050 Plan . The Coast 2050 Plan is the basis of the study, and is an excellent background to read to get up to speed. This document is 161 pages long, so you may want to selectively print this also.

We are planning to migrate over to Taquera Carona Mexican Resturant for a team lunch the day of the meeting (dutch treat -- I wish we had a charge account for such things, but we're not private industry!), if you can fit this into your schedule. This will be from noon to 1:00 PM.

We look forward to getting off to a great start -- let's make this happen!

5 August 1999


Tentative List of Team Members

Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana - Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study

Name Organization

Eric Salamone (not yet approved)


Cost Engineering

Frank Duarte*


Geotechnical Engineering

Del Britch



Walter Baumy & Gerry Giroir (not yet approved)


General Engineering

Jay Combe & Harley Winer


Coastal Engineering

Nancy Powell & Jim Austin


H&H Design

Keith O'Cain & Rick Broussard


Channel Stab/Waterways

Rita Gaudin



Paul Gautreau



Brian Maestri, Keven Loventro*



Bob Martinson* & Bill Klein


Ecological Plng & Rest.

Mike Saucier (not yet approved)


Environmental Anal & Supt

Joan Exnicios


Cultural Resources

Ted Hokkanen


Natural Resources

Janet Keller, Michelle Marceaux*


Real Estate Plng

John Barras



Scott Wilson



Linda Mathies*


Operations, Environmental

Chris Knotts, Bill Good


Project Management

Edmond Russo, Troy Constance, Falcolm Hull


Project Management

* Functional Team Leader (FTL) for respective district technical area