
The Brown Marsh Project Responds to Louisiana's Smooth Cordgrass Dieback
The browning and dieback of over 100,000 acres of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) served as a dire call to action for Louisiana's coastal science community. This 6-part series explores the response to that call, from satellite imagery to laboratory studies of individual plants.

The Brown Pelican's Return to Coastal Louisiana
Coastal Louisiana's brown pelicans have faced serious challenges across the past several decades, but they are now thriving where they once were extinct. This 2-part series explores their battle with pesticides, along with two CWPPRA projects that have been instrumental in the recovery and preservation of pelican habitat.

Coastwide Nutria Control Program
This article focuses on the Coastwide Nutria Control Program announced by CWPPRA and several partnered agencies. The program's centerpiece is a $4.00 incentive, or "bounty," on nutria tails measuring at least 7-inches in length.