Inglis' Plan for Immigration

With the possibility of new immigration legislation after the 2008 Presidential election, U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis updated his immigration plan, based upon two fact-finding tours in the Fourth District in the Fall of 2005 and Spring of 2007.

Inglis met key government agencies, hospitals, schools, businesses, farmers and construction sites on how illegal immigration is affecting the Fourth District in 2005.  He sat down with farmers from the Fourth District to discuss the impact of the H1-A VISA program, and he traveled to Nogales, Ariz., in May 2007 to tour the US-Mexico border during the day and again at night to get a first-hand account of illegal immigrants coming across the border. He also received a briefing from border officials.  Based upon his fact-finding tours, Rep. Inglis developed new principles and an action plan for immigration.


From the Action Plan:

Solving the problem of illegal immigration is one of the most straightforward challenges we face. We must:

1. Secure the border, building fences where necessary, using the military where necessary.

2. Require employers to verify Social Security numbers before hiring.

3. Require proof of legal status before granting drivers’ licenses and license tags.

4. Limit social benefits to citizens.

5. Deal with the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants here in the U.S. by:

— Limiting their stay—instead of the indefinite stay of the Z visa proposed in the Senate immigration bill, offer a temporary worker permit following payment of a substantial fine;

— Follow the temporary worker permit with the ability to get a green card if the worker applies from their home country after a return trip, pays a substantial fine and passes an English proficiency test; and

— Follow the green card with the ability to become a citizen if the applicant passes the citizenship test and goes to the end of the line after the current legal entrants. (Clearing the backlog for legal entrants will likely take 8-13 years.)


Inglis' Record on Immigration from the 110th Congress

Inglis has sponsored or co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation on immigration.  From the 110th Congress, here's the list:

·         H.R.3887 : To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, to enhance measures to combat trafficking in persons, and for other purposes.  (Combats the gross practice of human trafficking)

·         H.R.3916 : To provide for the next generation of border and maritime security technologies.  (Increases border security)

·         H.R.4088 : To provide immigration reform by securing America's borders, clarifying and enforcing existing laws, and enabling a practical employer verification program.  (Increases border security, decreases availability of jobs to illegals)


Inglis Immigration tour (Spring 2007)

Meeting with area agricultural farmers to discuss H1-A VISA's

May 4, 2007 – Strawberry Hill U.S.A. Farm, West Chesnee

Meeting with Border and Customs Patrol agents in Nogales, Ariz.,; Inglis toured the Arizona-Mexico border during the day and at night; Met with agents in San Diego and tour border area at Impreial Beach, Calif.

May 31-June 2, 2007 – U.S.-Mexico border tour and briefings, Nogales, Ariz., and San Diego, Calif.


Inglis Immigration tour (Fall of 2005)

Oct. 3, 2005 – Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), Greenville

Oct. 5, 2005  – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Greer

Briefing by ICE Agents on enforcement and deportation issues

Oct. 5, 2005  – Social Security Office Visit, Greenville

Social Security officials describe process for obtaining, verifying qualifications

Oct. 6, 2005  – Spartanburg Regional Hospital

Oct. 6, 2005  – Greenville Hospital System

Discussed the costs and complications of health care for illegal immigrants

Oct. 10, 2005  – Immigration Walk Talk town meeting; Berea High School, Berea

Oct. 13, 2005  – Immigration Walk Talk town meeting; Chapman High School, Inman

Oct. 24, 2005  – Arcadia Elementary School, Spartanburg

School officials and the community have come together to teach and support an influx of Hispanic children eager to learn. Nearly half of the school's students are Hispanic.

Oct. 24, 2005  – Spartanburg County Sheriff's Department Ride-Along

Sheriff’s detectives show me signs of gang activity from immigrant gangs moving into and forming in the county.

Oct. 31, 2005  – Construction Site; Greenville

Sheetrock contractor says flood of immigrant labor has undercut wages and earnings in trades. General Contractor says communication problems contribute to quality concerns. Shortage of labor is a concern.

Oct. 31, 2005  – Park Place Corporation, Greenville

Manufacturers talk with Bob about Hispanic workforce issues and verifying status. Some businesses benefit from illegal workers.

Nov. 28, 2005  – Gramling Brothers Farm, Inman (w/ SC Nursery & Landscape Assoc., Gilbert’s Nursery, King’s Sunset Nursery)

Nov. 29, 2005  – S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles Office Visit

Nov. 29, 2005  – S.C. Department of Social Services Office Visit

Nov. 29, 2005  – S.C. Internal Revenue Service Office Visit

Nov. 29, 2005  – Immigration Walk Talk town meeting (Greenville Library System, Symmes Branch, Pelham Rd.)

Dec. 1, 2005  – Met with the Management Team of Ryan's Steakhouse to discuss employment and hiring process

Dec. 1, 2005  – Immigration Walk Talk town meeting (Boiling Springs High School, Cafeteria)

Dec. 1, 2005  – Fourth District Hispanic Interest Forum: “Immigration: Finding the Balance”


Other related immigration information

View Inglis Position Statement on Immigration

"From Brooms to Boardrooms" - A Real-Life Immigration Story

Inglis Op-ed on Immigration – June 2007



Rhonda Olson (10/1/08)

Support the E-verify program and follow through with tough laws against companies that hire illegals and take advantage of the system and also reduce the wages of American jobs. The Illegals will self deport the minute that they understand that there are no free handouts and jobs for them. You will quickly see increased American jobs, reduced American unemployment and an increase in American wages across the board! This does not have to be as complicated as some commentators attempt to make it. This is pure and simple economics that brings them here and shutting this off will make them go home and fix their broken country.

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