Abortion: Timeline of Changes to Pro-life Policies

Comments by Bob Inglis:

January 22, 2009 – 36th Anniversary to Roe v. Wade

January 23, 2009 – President Obama signs Memorandum for Secretary of State to repeal “Mexico City Policy”

  • President Bush signed Presidential memorandum of January 22, 2001, for the Administrator of USAID (Restoration of the Mexico City Policy), the Presidential memorandum of March 28, 2001, for the Administrator of USAID (Restoration of the Mexico City Policy), and the Presidential memorandum of August 29, 2003, for the Secretary of State (Assistance for Voluntary Population Planning)
  • These memoranda prohibited any foreign aid going to any foreign Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that promote or perform abortions.
  • The US does not allow federal funds to be used to perform abortions, but does allow federal funds to go to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers for other purposes. Since money is fungible, this helps subsidize them so they can perform more abortions. Inglis has proposed applying the “Mexico City Policy” within the United States (see second YouTube link below).

February 25, 2009 – Inglis votes against HR 1105 - FY09 Omnibus Appropriations bill

  • HR 1105 takes away the effectiveness of the Kemp-Kasten restriction (no foreign aid to UN Population Planning because they work with China’s coercive population control program.).

March 6, 2009 –Obama Administration rescinds the Freedom of Conscience for Healthcare Providers Regulation

  • Bush Administration prohibited HHS funds from being used to coerce or discriminate against healthcare providers for refusing to perform abortions or dispense drugs to be used for that purpose.

March 9, 2009 – President Obama revokes the Bush Executive Order prohibiting federal funds from being used to study life-destroying embryonic stem-cell research

  • Opponents point out this also opens the door to human cloning for the purpose of stem-cell harvesting, and takes away a Bush executive order promoting alternatives to embryonic stem cell research (like proven adult stem cell research).

March 11, 2009 – President Obama signs the FY09 Omnibus Appropriations bill into law.

  • HR 1105 takes away the effectiveness of the Kemp-Kasten restriction (no foreign aid to UN Population Planning because they work with China’s coercive population control program).

April 8, 2009 – Inglis signs a letter to President Obama asking him to preserve the ‘conscience clause’ for healthcare providers


Pro-life messages:

"Inglis: Research that kills some humans in an attempt to help others is devaluing for all humans"
"Inglis proposes pro-life policy apply to U.S."


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