Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (TEITAC)
Meeting Summary

January 2, 2008 (Teleconference)

Tuesday, January 2, 2008, (TEITAC 10A) 1:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern

Introduction and Roll Call by Co-Chairs (Jim Tobias & Mike Paciello)

The TEITAC 10A teleconference started with co-chairs Jim Tobias and Mike Paciello going over the agenda, then taking roll of the callers.  The call was delayed in starting for 30 minutes due to problems with the telephone bridge.  Eventually, members were able to connect on two lines and the call commenced.  It was determined that a quorum was not present, but the members present elected to proceed with discussion anyway, so that they could have a series of recommendations for the full committee to consider when the next face-to-face meeting commenced on January 7, 2008. 

The protocols followed for this teleconference were the same as those for other official TEITAC teleconferences:  roll was taken, a public comment period was reserved for members of the general public to comment during the last 15 minutes of the meeting, and committee members spoke at all other times. 


Consensus Provision Review – Reference the following items from the November 27, 2007 draft report:  [See: ]

Co-chair Jim Tobias led the discussion on the agenda.  In the interest of efficiency, it was agreed that the members present on the call would attempt to identify those matters and definitions where there was little dispute and the greatest current likelihood of consensus.  Those particular items will then be identified as such to the full committee at the face to face meeting, January 7-9, 2008.

Public Comment

A public comment period was held.  Tom Brett requested clarification on the status of the proposed Public Responder exception.  It was explained that, while the committee members present on the call had recommended that the proposed exception be rejected from the report, that decision could only be made by a quorum of the full committee.

Summation and Concluding Comments (Jim Tobias and Mike Paciello) 

The Co-chairs thanked the members for their patience and participation during the day’s call.  Members were reminded to review materials prior to the face to face meeting next week:  1. the current draft of the Committee Report, dated November 27, 2007; and 2.  The agenda.  These materials will be supplied in accessible formats, and will also be posted online before the meeting.  The next face to face meeting of the full committee will commence at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 7, 2008 at the National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.