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Federal Election Commission



Downloadable Data Files

Detailed Files

You will find here the candidate master file, the committee master file, the individual contributions file and its additions, changes and deletions, the itemized records file, and the itemized committee contributions file.

These files for the three most recent election cycles are updated weekly (Sunday night) and include any information entered into the FEC database up to that date. Note that committees do not have the same filing requirements (see You should be careful when comparing financial information about committees with different filing requirements.

Summary Files

You will find here the current campaign summary file, the all candidates summary file, the current PAC summary file, the PAC detailed summary file, the post-cycle candidate summary file, the post-cycle PAC summary file, the post-cycle party summary file, and the party detailed summary file.

For the three most recent election cycles, the current campaign summary file and the all candidates summary file are updated daily. The other files found here are created after all year-end filing processing is completed at the end of a 2-year election cycle. These files are typically created in April of odd numbered years.

Presidential Matching Fund Submission Files

You will find here the threshold files for presidential candidates seeking matching funds.
In addition to regular quarterly or monthly disclosure reports, presidential candidates who seek matching funds must submit information about "matchable" contributions to the FEC for review. Contributions from individuals where the aggregate amount contributed by the individual is $250 or less are eligible to be matched on a dollar for dollar basis from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. This Fund includes proceeds from the voluntary check-off of $3 per person from income tax returns of eligible taxpayers.

Presidential Disclosure Reports Filed Electronically

You will find here the financial reports filed electronically by presidential campaigns. This link takes you directly to our FTP server.

Notice: Reports and statements filed by political committees may be inspected and copied by anyone. The names and addresses of individual contributors, however, may not be sold or used for any commercial purpose or to solicit any type of contribution or donation, such as political or charitable contributions. 2 U.S.C. §438(a)(4); 11 CFR 104.15. This restriction applies to Federal reports and statements. Any person who violates this restriction is subject to the penalties of 2 U.S.C. §437g.