
Work on the Westinghouse Works motion pictures was performed by the following staff of the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division: Gene DeAnna, Hussein Hassan, Judi Hoffman, and Karen Lund. Special thanks to Marc Dudley of the National Digital Library for his help with the digitization process. The interpretive essays and background information were written by Karen Lund. The catalog records were created by Judi Hoffman with assistance from Karen Lund. The web page framework was designed and implemented by Glenn Ricci. Thanks also to the following for their assistance and support: Carl Fleischhauer, Jane Bossert, and Dave Woodward of the NDL; David Francis, Chief of M/B/RS; Patrick Loughney, Head of the Moving Image Section, M/B/RS; and Allan McConnell, Head, M/B/RS Recording Lab and his staff.

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