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Security Events & Conferences

October 13-14, 2009 - End-to-End Voting Systems Worskhop

The last few years have witnessed the emergence of end-to-end (E2E) voting systems, which enable voter-verification of election outcome. This workshop will begin a discussion on the interplay between auditability, vote secrecy, incoercibility and usability aspects of E2E voting systems and encourage research on the development of electronic E2E voting systems. The workshop discussions could influence future standardization efforts for E2E voting systems.

June 8-9, 2009 - Key Management Workshop

Key management is a fundamental part of cryptographic technology and is considered the most difficult aspect associated with its use. Of particular concern are the scalability of the methods used to distribute keys and the usability of these methods. NIST is undertaking an effort to improve the overall key management strategies used by the public and private sectors in order to enhance usability of cryptographic technology, provide scalability across all cryptographic technologies, and support a global cryptographic key management infrastructure.