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Federal Election Commission



FEC Digest


For Immediate Release


Judith Ingram

May 29, 2009

Julia Queen

  Christian Hilland




ISSUE 2009-3

Weekly Digest
Week of May 25 – 29


The Commission did not hold Open or Executive Sessions this week. Sunshine Act Notices for Executive Sessions are here. Agendas and related documents for Open Meetings are here.

Audio recordings for selected meetings, hearings and presentations are here.



Request Received

On May 28, the Commission made public Advisory Opinion Request 2009-13 from the Black Rock Group. The Black Rock Group, a Delaware-based communications and public affairs firm, seeks to serve as a common vendor advising one or more single-member limited liability companies on their independent expenditures concerning federal candidates and elections. Black Rock Group asks whether its services would trigger political committee status for its clients.  The Commission must issue a response no later than 60 days after receipt of the complete request, that is, by July 27, 2009.  June 8 is the deadline for the public to submit written comments on the request. Advisory Opinions and Requests are available here.

Comments Received

On May 27, the Commission made public a comment from Robert E. Rutkowski regarding AOR 2009-12 (Coleman). Senator Coleman and his committee seek to use campaign funds to pay legal fees and expenses. May 22 was the deadline for the public to submit written comments on the request. Advisory Opinions, Requests and Comments are available here.



The Commission made public six closed cases and three Statements of Reasons this week. For more information, see the case documents in the Enforcement Query System.

MUR 5842 – Economic Freedom Fund, Charles H. Bell Jr. The Commission closed the file. A Statement of Reasons was issued by Commissioner Cynthia L. Bauerly and Commissioner Ellen L. Weintraub.

MUR 6072 – Northland Regional Chamber of Commerce; Saint Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce; NPG Newspapers, Inc.; Missouri Western State University. The Commission, using its prosecutorial discretion, dismissed the allegations regarding the Northland Regional Chamber of Commerce and Saint Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce. The Commission found no reason to believe that NPG Newspapers, Inc. and Missouri Western State University violated the Act or Commission regulations.

MURs 5712, 5799 – Senator John McCain; Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. In 2007, the Commission dismissed the case against Schwarzenegger. In March 2009, the Commission voted 4-2 to dismiss the case using its prosecutorial discretion.

MUR 6100 – Covanta Energy Corporation; Covanta Energy Corporation Political Action Fund and Joanne Pagliuca, in her official capacity as Treasurer. The Commission found no reason to believe Covanta Energy Corporation, its PAC or the PAC treasurer violated the Act.

MUR 6096 – Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation; Americans for Limited Government, Inc.; Howard Rich, Chairman of Americas for Limited Government. The Commission closed the file. A Statement of Reasons was issued by Vice Chairman Matthew S. Petersen, Commissioner Caroline C. Hunter and Commissioner Donald F. McGahn. Another Statement of Reasons was issued by Chairman Steven T. Walther, Commissioner Cynthia L. Bauerly and Commissioner Ellen L. Weintraub.   


Party Financial Activity Summarized for the 2008 Election Cycle: Party Support for Candidates Increases (released May 28)


NEXT WEEK (JUNE 1 – JUNE 5, 2009)

No Commission Open Sessions or Executive Sessions are scheduled.



June 20 – June Monthly Report

July 15 – July Quarterly Report

July 20 – July Monthly Report

July 31 – July Mid-Year Report


June 24-25, Tallahassee, FL – As part of its State Outreach Program, the FEC will conduct informal briefings for PACs, party committees and candidate committees on areas of the law specific to their needs.

July 8 – The FEC will host workshops on reporting requirements and its FECFile software to help candidates, parties and PACs prepare to file their July quarterly, monthly or mid-year reports.

July 28-29, Columbus, OH – State Outreach Program.

August 5-6, Kansas City, MO – State Outreach Program.


The May issue of The Record is here.