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Native Hawaiian Library Services
(Application deadline: May 17, 2010)

All applicants for the Native American Hawaiian Services program are required to file their applications online through Read more

Grant program guidelines are made available approximately 90 days before the grant deadline. Until that time, guidelines from the previous year are available for your reference, but you must use the current fiscal year application when you apply.

2009 Application and Guidelines (PDF, 1.5MB) Instructions
Sample Long-Range Plan (PDF, 179KB)

FY 2010 Deadline:

May 17, 2010

Grant Amount:


Grant Period:

One year

Program Contact:

Alison Freese, Senior Program Officer
Phone: 202/653-4665

Program Overview
The Native Hawaiian Library Services program provides new opportunities for improved library services for an important part of the nation’s community of library users. Funds may be used to enhance existing library services or implement new library services, particularly as they relate to the priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) listed here:

  • to expand services for learning and access to information and educational resources
    in a variety of formats, in all types of libraries, for individuals of all ages;
  • to develop library services that provide all users with access to information
    through local, state, regional, national, and international electronic networks;
  • to provide electronic and other linkages between and among all types of libraries;
  • to develop public and private partnerships with other agencies and community-based organizations;
  • to target library services to help increase access and ability to use information resources for individuals of diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with limited functional literacy or information skills; and
  • to target library and information services to help increase access and ability to use information resources for persons having difficulty using a library and for underserved urban and rural communities, including children from birth to age 17 from families with incomes below the poverty line (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget).

Native Hawaiian Library Services grants are available to nonprofit organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians (as the term is defined in 20 U.S.C. § 7517). The term “Native Hawaiian” means a person who is a citizen of the United States and a descendant of the aboriginal people who, before 1778, occupied and exercised sovereignty in the areas that now comprise the state of Hawaii. See program guidelines for specific eligibility criteria.

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