Additional Tariff Resources

Duty and Tax Calculation Methods

U.S. Import Duties

To obtain tariff rates for specific products imported into the United States, view the complete U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule online.

Note: You will need a Harmonized System (HS) or Schedule B number to lookup any U.S. tariff information.

To check on regulations such as import quotas, or for general import information, contact the US Customs office nearest you, or call toll free 1-877-287-8667 (outside Washington D.C. only).

Other Tariff Resources:

Foreign Customs Contacts: View our foreign trade offices database for foreign customs authorities contact information. Official tariff rates are provided only by each country's Customs authority.

Private Sector Tariff Resources: private sector sources for tariff, tax, and other customs information.

Tariff Publication:

The International Customs Journal, published by the International Customs Tariffs Bureau (Brussels, Belgium), covers duties indexed by HS numbers for individual countries. The timeliness of the tariff schedules varies from country to country (i.e., new schedules are not published in consistent time intervals). Schedule volumes can be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) by phone at 1-800-553-6847 or (703) 605-6000.