Protocol for Lightweight Authentication of Identity (PLAID) wORKSHOP

July 13 - 15, 2009

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Employee's Lounge, Administration Building, NIST Gaithersburg Campus

Attendance Fee:
Free - but advance registration is REQUIRED

Registration Cut-off Date:
July 7

To Register - REQUIRED
Download the registration form at the Centrelink PLAID site. Click on the USA Workshop tab.
Please note, once clicking on Centrelink PLAID link, you will be going to a non-NIST website.

Technical and/or For More Information Contact:
Tanya Brewer, NIST

Annie Sokol, NIST

General information:

The goal of the 3-day workshop is to explore potential commercial implementations of the Protocol for Lightweight Authentication of Identity (PLAID) and the potential usefulness of this protocol to U.S. Federal agencies. PLAID public resources are available from the following site:

The principle of the workshop is that each attending vendor has two days, with the assistance of Centrelink, to “port” existing source code, or develop new code for their device or card. All the information vendors need will be available to them ahead of the workshop on the site. Vendors may obtain as much or as little assistance as they please from other vendors in the workshop. (Card vendors might, for instance, assist device vendors.)

On the third day, end-users are invited to view the efforts of all of the vendors. Each vendor will use their space to demonstrate their PLAID implementation to attendees. Attendees are invited to interact with the vendors and discuss their PLAID implementation.

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