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The information on this page is provided to the Open Source Project for Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) users. Assuming the users have some knowledge of the OPeNDAP client/server software, the information shown here will direct you to the locations where OPeNDAP enabled data are stored.

Data Products Available Description Document Image
3A11: Monthly 5° x 5° Oceanic Rainfall
Rain rate, conditional rain rate, rain frequency, and freezing height for a latitude band from 40 degree N to 40 degree S, from TMI
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3A12: Monthly 0.5° x 0.5° mean 2A12, profile, and surface rainfall
0.5 x 0.5 degree gridded monthly product comprised of mean 2A12 data and calculated vertical hydrometeor profiles as well as mean surface rainfall
3A25: Monthly 5°x5° and .5°x.5° Spaceborne Radar Rainfall
Total and conditional rain rate, radar reflectivity, path-integrated attenuation at 2, 4, 6, 10, 15 km for convective and stratiform rain; storm, freezing, and bright band heights, and snow-ice layer depth for a latitude band from 40°N to 40°S, from PR
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3A26: Monthly 5° x 5° Surface Rain Total
Rain rate probability distribution at surface, 2 km, and 4 km for a latitude band from 40°N to 40°S, from PR
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3A46: Monthly 1° x 1° SSM/I Rain
Global rain rate from SSM/I
3B31: Monthly 5° x 5° Combined Rainfall
Rain rate, cloud liquid water, rain water, cloud ice, grauples at 14 levels for a latitude band from 40 degree N to 40 degree S, from PR and TMI
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3B42: 3-Hour 0.25° x 0.25° TRMM and Other-GPI Calibration Rainfall
Calibrated geosynchronous IR rain rate using TRMM estimates .
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3B43: Monthly 0.25° x 0.25° TRMM and Other Sources Rainfall
Merged rain rate from TRMM, geosynchronous IR, SSM/I, rain gauges
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CSH: Monthly 0.5° x 0.5° Convective/Stratiform Heating
TRMM Monthly 0.5° x 0.5° Convective/Stratiform Heating

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  • Last updated: August 07, 2009 17:39:55 GMT