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EOS Data Analysis Investigations

Abrams, Michael J; U.S. ASTER Team Leader Proposal [Team Members]

Ackerman, Steven A; Refinement and Maintenance of the MODIS Cloud Mask Algorithm on Terra and Aqua [Team Members]

Adler, Robert F; Use of AQUA Information in Global Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis [Team Members]

Alexander, M Joan; Analysis of Small Scale Waves in the AIRS Radiance and Temperature Measurements [Team Members]

Anderson, Martha C; Multi-Scale Remote Assessment of Land-Surface Hydrologic Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Stressors: A Case Study in the Florida Everglades [Team Members]

Armstrong, Richard L; Development of an Internally Consistent, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Platform Long-Term Series of Global Snow Cover Using Heritage and EOS-Era Data. [Team Members]

Armstrong, Richard L; Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) Core Functions: Populating and Mining the GLIMS Glacier Database to Assess Glacier Change with EOS Sensors [Team Members]

Aumann, Hartmut H; AIRS Radiometric and Spectral Calibration Refinements for Climate Research [Team Members]

Balch, William M; The MODIS Ocean Product for Particulate Inorganic Carbon (MOD 25): Refinement of Calcium Carbonate Estimates in the Global Ocean [Team Members]

Ballabrera-Poy, Joaquim; Exploratory Quantitative Analysis of Physical Controls of the Optical Properties of Upper Ocean Water, and Its Application to Climate Modeling [Team Members]

Barker, Dale Melvyn; The Impact of EOS Satellite Data Assimilation on Weather Analysis and Prediction at High Southern Latitudes [Team Members]

Barnet, Christopher D; Production and Evaluation of the AIRS Trace Gas Research Products. [Team Members]

Barnet, Christopher D; Alternative Methodologies for Estimation of the Clear State within the AIRS Field of Regard for Cloud Clearing. [Team Members]

Baum, Bryan A; Regional and Global Analyses of Multilayered Clouds, Ice-Phase Clouds and Mixed-Phase Clouds Using EOS Terra and Aqua Data [Team Members]

Biggar, Stuart F; Radiance Calibration of MODIS and MISR in the Visible and Near Infrared [Team Members]

Bishop, Michael P; Climate Forcing and Glaciers in the Western Himalaya: Assessing Glacier Fluctuations Using ASTER Data [Team Members]

Bond, Tami; Understanding the Atmospheric Transformation of Anthropogenic Aerosol: Inferences from Satellite Data and Global Aerosol Modeling [Team Members]

Bosilovich, Michael G; The Impact of EOS Surface Temperature on Global Reanalyses [Team Members]

Bras, Rafael L; Dynamic Hydrology and Ecosystem Modeling in Semi-Arid Complex Terrain using NASA EOS Observations from TERRA and AQUA [Team Members]

Breaker, Laurence Coates; The Response of the Upper Ocean to Varying Meteorological Conditions Using Ocean Models and Satellite Imagery [Team Members]

Brewster, Keith A.; Impact of the Assimilation of AIRS Soundings and AMSR-E Rainfall on Short Term Forecasts of Mesoscale Weather [Team Members]

Cahalan, Robert F; I3RC Workshops and 3D Community Tools Applied to Assessments and Improvements of Cloud Retrievals from Terra, Aqua, and THOR Offbeam Lidar [Team Members]

Campbell, Janet W; Refinement and Maintenance of the SeaWiFS-Analog Chlorophyll Algorithm: Insuring Continuity of the Climate Data Record for Chlorophyll [Team Members]

Carder, Kendall L; Quantifying HAB concentrations and Chlorophyll a in Coastal Waters [Team Members]

Carlson, Barbara E; Understanding Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Earth's Radiative Fluxes Through Analysis of CERES, MODIS, AIRS, and ISCCP Data [Team Members]

Cavalieri, Donald J; EOS Aqua AMSR-E Sea Ice Algorithm Validation and Refinement [Team Members]

Chahine, Moustafa T; Earth Observing System Facility Instrument Team Leader Renewal for the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB) [Team Members]

Chang, Alfred T; Development of an Internally Consistent Long-term Snow Cover Data Set for Climate Change Science [Team Members]

Chen, Shu-Hua; Studies of the Impact of Assimilating MODIS Data from Terra and Aqua on Weather Simulations/Forecasts [Team Members]

Chin, Mian; A global Model Analysis of Anthropogenic Aerosol Radiative Forcing Using Data from Terra and Aqua Satellites, Ground-Based Networks, and In-Situ Measurements [Team Members]

Chopping, Mark J; Quantifying Changes in Carbon Pools with Shrub Invasion of Desert Grasslands Using Multi-Angle Data from EOS Terra and Aqua [Team Members]

Christensen, Philip R; Investigation of Rapid Urbanization Processes Using ASTER, MODIS, and Landsat Data [Team Members]

Christopher, Sundar A; A Multi-Sensor Approach for Estimating Global Aerosol Radiative Forcing from Terra and Aqua [Team Members]

Clark, Dennis K; MODIS Product Refinement, Maintainance, and Validation for: Marine Optical Buoy Vicarious Calibration of Water-Leaving Radiances and a Bio-Optical Product Suite [Team Members]

Clement, Amy; Testing the Sensitivity of the Tropical Top-of-Atmosphere Radiation Budget Using Observations and Models [Team Members]

Clothiaux, Eugene E; Improving Arctic Energy Budget Estimates by Combining New EOS-Era Products from Multiple Satellite Sensors. [Team Members]

Coakley, James A; Effects of Partial Cloud Cover on the Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes [Team Members]

Coll, Cesar; Validation of ASTER and MODIS Thermal Infrared Products in a Test Site in Valencia, Spain [Team Members]

Comiso, Josefino C; Maintenance of the Bootstrap Algorithm for Sea Ice and Optimizing Its Performance [Team Members]

Cota, Glenn F; Multi-Sensor Coastal Ocean and Atmosphere Time-Series [Team Members]

Cowgill, Eric; Neotectonics of the Arabia-Eurasia Continental Collision by Analysis of ASTER Stereo Imagery [Team Members]

Crosson, William L; Improving Weather Forecasts by Assimilating EOS Satellite Data [Team Members]

Crow, Wade Thomas; Improving Flood Forecasts Through the Integration of AQUA Satellite Products with a Macroscale Hydrologic Model. [Team Members]

Davies, Roger; Spectral and Broadband Cloud Radiative Forcing Using Combined MISR, CERES, and MODIS Measurements [Team Members]

Del Genio, Anthony D; Why Can't Global Climate Models Simulate ENSO Variability? [Team Members]

Descloitres, Jacques; The MODIS Rapid Response System: A Model for Generating Near Real-Time Applications Products [Team Members]

Dickinson, Robert E; Seasonal and Global Representation of Land Surface Properties from MODIS and Other EOS Instruments and Their Implications for Application in Climate Models [Team Members]

Dierssen, Heidi M; Benthic Ecology from Space: Algorithms for Remote Sensing of Seagrass Primary Production from the MODIS Ocean Color Sensor. [Team Members]

Diner, David J; Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Instrument Support and Geophysical Data Product Verification, Refinement, and Validation [Team Members]

Dubovik, Oleg V.; Enhanced Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Aerosol by Multi-Sensor AERONET/MISR/MODIS Retrieval [Team Members]

Dunham, David Waring; Comparison of Solar Radius Variations from Solar Eclipse Timings with Total Solar Irradiance Measurements from ACRIM [Team Members]

Dunkerton, Timothy J; Variability of Moist Convection, Cirrus Cloud and Water Vapor in the Tropical Upper Troposphere [Team Members]

Durden, Stephen L; AMSR-E Rainfall Validation Using Airborne Radar Data from the Wakasa Bay Experiment [Team Members]

Dutton, Ellsworth G; Sustained Network-Based Observations of Surface Radiation Budget Components and Related Parameters for the Validation of EOS Products [Team Members]

Emmons, Louisa K; Closing the Carbon Monoxide Budget: Variability in CO Emissions [Team Members]

Eneva, Mariana G; Thermal Anomalies in the Western U.S. from ASTER Data [Team Members]

Entekhabi, Dara; Global Estimates of Evaporation from Variational Assimilation of Multi-Platform Land Surface Temperature into a Dynamic Model of the Surface Energy Balance [Team Members]

Evans, Robert H; Improved MODIS Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature Calibration to Enable Science, Climate Studies, and Algorithm Development [Team Members]

Fekete, Balazs M; Monitoring Inland Water Bodies Using TERRA and AQUA Satellite Sensors [Team Members]

Ferrare, Richard A; Aerosol Fine and Coarse Mode Profile Retrievals Using Airborne and Space-Based Lidar and MODIS Measurements [Team Members]

Foster, James L; Analysis of Seasonal Snow Characteristics in South America from 1979-2003 Using Passive Microwave Data [Team Members]

Fountain, Andrew G; Historic Glacier Changes in the American West; Their Response to Climate and Effect on Stream Flow [Team Members]

French, Andrew Nichols; Optimal Land Surface Temperature Estimation and Assimilation for Global Hydrological Applications [Team Members]

Friedl, Mark A; Global Land Cover and Land Cover Dynamics from MODIS: Algorithm Refinement in Support of Global Change Research [Team Members]

Fu, Qiang; Analysis of Atmospheric Radiative Heating Rates Using TRMM, TERRA, and AQUA: Radiative Constraints on Tropical Convection and on Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) Vertical Transport [Team Members]

Fu, Rong; Investigating the Influences of Vegetation, Biomass Burning, Clouds on Wet Season Onset over the Amazon Using Terra, Aqua in Conjunction with In Situ and Other Satellite Data Sets [Team Members]

Fu, Xiouhua; Application of Satellite Data to Improve the Simulation and Prediction of Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation (TISO) [Team Members]

Gao, Bo-Cai; Seasonal and Global Variations of Water Vapor, Cirrus Clouds, and Sea Surface Temperatures, and Their Differences Between an El Nino Year and Normal Years Using Several Level 3 EOS Data Products [Team Members]

Gautier-Downes, Catherine H; Properties and Diurnal Radiative Forcing of Mineral Aerosols Over Deserts Using combined AIRS and MODIS and Ground-Based Observations. [Team Members]

Gille, John C; Team Leader Proposal for the Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Experiment [Team Members]

Gille, Sarah T; Dynamics of Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southern Ocean [Team Members]

Gillespie, Alan R; Refinements to the ASTER Temperature/Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm and Standard Products [Team Members]

Goldberg, Mitchell David; AIRS Initial Retrieval Algorithm Refinement in suppport of Level-2 Product Generation and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) [Team Members]

Gould, Richard W; Optical Water Mass Classification for Interpretation of Coastal Carbon Flux Processes [Team Members]

Gower, Stith T; Applications of MODIS to Resolve the Effects of Global Change on Boreal Forest C Dynamics: Disturbance Versus Climate Warming? [Team Members]

Gregg, Watson; Development of an Ocean Biogeochemical EOS Assimilation Model (OBEAM) [Team Members]

Gumley, Liam E; Near Real Time Products for North America From EOS Direct Broadcast [Team Members]

Haase, Jennifer S; Studies of the Impact of Assimilating MODIS Data from Terra and Aqua on Weather Simulations/Forecasts [Team Members]

Hall, Dorothy K; Algorithm Production, Validation, Refinement and Maintenance for the MODIS Snow and Ice Suite of Products [Team Members]

Hall, Forrest G; Physically-Based Continuous Fields and Land Cover Mapping Algorithm Using Modis and Multi-Source Data [Team Members]

Hamilton, Gordon Stuart; Assessing Changes in Arctic Glaciers and Ice Caps Using ASTER Satellite Imagery: Evidence for Regional Climate Change [Team Members]

Hansen, Andrew James; Testing Biophysical and Land Use Controls on Biodiversity Using MODIS and AMSR-E Products [Team Members]

Harris, Andrew J L; New Tools for Advanced Hot Spot Tracking Using MODIS Thermal Alerts [Team Members]

Hook, Simon J; In-Flight Validation of ASTER and MODIS Thermal Infrared Data and Products Over Land [Team Members]

Hooker, Stanford B; Refinement and Maintenance of EOS Ocean Color Algorithms [Team Members]

Hsu, N Christina; Retrieving Aerosol Properties over Bright-Reflecting Surfaces: An Extension of Current MOD04/MYD04 Products [Team Members]

Huete, Alfredo R; Validation and Performance Assessments of the MODIS Vegetation Index Product Series from the Terra and Aqua Platforms: EOS Algorithm Refinement Proposal [Team Members]

Hutchison, Keith Dale; Toward the Development of Advanced Data Products from EOS Terra and Aqua Direct Broadcasts for Air Quality Management in the State of Texas [Team Members]

Iacono, Michael J; Application of EOS Radiance Measurements to Evaluating GCM Simulations of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and High Clouds [Team Members]

Jacob, Daniel J; Quantifying the Sources and Global Transport of Combustion Gases and Aerosols Using MOPITT, MODIS, MISR, and Related Satellite Observations [Team Members]

Jacobson, Mark Z; Using Satellite Data and Models to Study the Effects of global Climate on Regional Pollution and Vice-Versa [Team Members]

Jensen, Michael P; An Observational Analysis of Hydrological and Radiative Properties of Tropical Deep Convective Cloud Systems [Team Members]

Justice, Christopher O; Refinement and Maintenance of the MODIS Fire Product Suite and MODIS Land Discipline Leader [Team Members]

Kalnay, Eugenia; Data Assimilation Using Advanced Infrared Sounder Data [Team Members]

Kaplan, Alexey; Small-Scale Variability in Sea Surface Temperatures and Climate Analyses Error [Team Members]

Kargel, Jeffrey S; Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) Core Functions: International Organization, ASTER Glacier Image Data Management, and Glacier Hazard/Emergency Response [Team Members]

Key, Jeffrey R; Polar Winds from Satellite Imagers and Sounders [Team Members]

Kimball, John S; Regional Assessment of Arctic Vegetation Productivity and Soil Respiration Environmental Controls Using MODIS and AMSR-E: A New Approach for Satellite Monitoring of Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Net CO2Exchange [Team Members]

King, Michael D; Remote Sensing of Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties and Gridded Atmosphere Products from MODIS: An Algorithm Refinement Proposal [Team Members]

Knuteson, Robert O; Land Surface Characterization Using High Spectral Resolution AIRS and Moderate Spatial Resolution MODIS Observations from the EOS Aqua Platform [Team Members]

Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam N; Sensitivity of Global Moisture Cycle from AQUA, TERRA and ACRIM [Team Members]

Kruse, Fred A; ASTER Multispectral Mapping Improvements Through Integration and Spectral-Spatial Scaling Of HSI Data [Team Members]

Kummerow, Christian D; A Physical Validation Approach for Precipitation [Team Members]

Lacis, Andrew A; Aerosol Climatology for GCM Applications Using MODIS, MISR, and POLDER Data [Team Members]

Letelier, Ricardo Maria; Validation and Refinement of MODIS Fluorescence Line Height (FLH) and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Efficiency (CFE) Algorithms [Team Members]

Liang, Shunlin; Improving Land Surface Products from Multiple EOS Sensors by Developing a Prototype Data Assimilation System [Team Members]

Lin, Bing; Satellite Observations of Radiative Properties and Climate Feedbacks of Tropical Deep Convective Systems [Team Members]

Liu, W. Timothy; Hydrological Balance - Synergistic Application of Aqua and Other Space Missions [Team Members]

Lyapustin, Alexei Ivanovich; Unified Non-Lambertian 3-D Retrieval and Validation of Land Surface Reflectance from MODIS [Team Members]

Mace, Gerald; Algorithm Refinement and Validation of Cloud and Radiation Products Derived from MODIS and CERES Radiances Using Ground-Based and Aircraft Data [Team Members]

Marchand, Roger T; Retrieval of Ice Cloud Crystal Habit and Cloud Phase Using MISR and MODIS Measurements [Team Members]

Maritorena, Stephane; Chlorophyll a Algorithms for MODIS [Team Members]

Marra, John; Primary Productivity from Ocean Color Based on Photosynthetic Quantum Efficiency and Phytoplankton Absorption [Team Members]

Martin, Seelye; An Investigation of the Interaction between Antarctic Polynyas and the Regional Oceanography Using Multisensor Data [Team Members]

Maslanik, James A; Investigations of Sea Ice State Using Multisensor Data, Time History, and Lagrangian Tracking [Team Members]

McClain, Charles R; MODIS Ocean Color Calibration and Validation Support [Team Members]

McMillan, Wallace; AIRS Trace Gas Retrieval Validation and Analysis and Fire Detection [Team Members]

McMillin, Larry Max; The Use of Super Channels for Assimilating/Retrieving AIRS Data [Team Members]

Menzel, Paul; Maintaining and Refining the Calibration of Infrared Radiances and the Derivation of Cloud Properties with MODIS [Team Members]

Miloshevich, Larry; Improved AIRS Water Vapor Validation Using New Capability to Accurately Measure Upper Tropospheric Humidity with Vaisala Radiosondes [Team Members]

Minnett, Peter J; Sea-Surface Temperature from MODIS. [Team Members]

Minschwaner, Kenneth R; Aqua Analysis of Longwave Radiative Forcing in the Tropics and Subtropics: Effects of SST, Water Vapor, and Temperature Lapse Rate [Team Members]

Miura, Tomoaki; Multi-sensor Translation of EOS Reflectance and Vegetation Index Products for Long Term Continuity with AVHRR [Team Members]

Mlynczak, Martin G; Far-Infrared Properties of the Earth Radiation Budget [Team Members]

Moncet, Jean-Luc; Monitoring of Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivities and Temperature Derived from Combined AMSR-E, AMSU/AIRS, and MODIS [Team Members]

Morisette, Jeffrey T; Value Added Products from Vegetation and Precipitation Time-Series Data Sets in Support of Invasive Species Prediction. [Team Members]

Morisette, Jeffrey T; Maintaining and Refining NASA's Land Product Validation Infrastructure [Team Members]

Mueller, James L; Monitoring of Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivities and Temperature Derived from Combined AMSR-E, AMSU/AIRS, and MODIS [Team Members]

Muller-Karger, Frank E; EAGLE-EYE: Ecological Assessment of Generalized Littoral Environments - an Integrated EOS DB/Real-Time MODIS Science Applications Project [Team Members]

Myneni, Ranga B; Global Products of Leaf Area Index and Fraction Vegetation Absorbed PAR from the MODIS Sensors Onboard TERRA and AQUA: EOS Algorithm Refinement Proposal [Team Members]

Nelson, Norman B; Ocean Optical Properties, MODIS Ocean Products, and Atmospheric Dust: The Bermuda Bio-Optics Project [Team Members]

Nemani, Ramakrishna; Prognostic/Diagnostic Analysis of Land Surface Processes Using Ecosystem Modeling and TERRA/AQUA Products [Team Members]

Neuer, Susanne; Analysis of Nutrient Budgets and Carbon Export in the Eastern and Western Subtropical North Atlantic Ocean [Team Members]

Njoku, Eni G; Aqua/AMSR-E Soil Moisture Algorithm and Product Improvements [Team Members]

Novelli, Paul C; Vertical profiles of radiatively-important trace gases from a network of globally distributed sites [Team Members]

Ouzounov, Dimitar P; Thermal Response before the Strong Earthquakes by Analyzing Multisensor Satellite Data [Team Members]

Palluconi, Frank Donald; Renewal of ASTER Team Membership: Calibration Monitoring and Validation of Surface Leaving Thermal Radiance Products [Team Members]

Petersen, Gary W; Applying MODIS Estimated Radiation Budget and Biophysical Parameters with Multi-Scale Soils and Weather Data for Crop Yield Modeling [Team Members]

Petty, Grant W; Refined and Alternative Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms for AMSR [Team Members]

Pieri, David C; Mining the ASTER Global Archive: Volcanic Hazards Evaluations [Team Members]

Platnick, Steven; Global Analysis of MODIS Level-3 Cloud Properties and Their Sensitivity to Aggregation Strategies [Team Members]

Ramage, Joan M; AMSR-E Derived Snow Melt Timing and Its Hydro-Geomorphic Influences in Heterogeneous Terrain, Upper Yukon River Basin [Team Members]

Ramsey, Michael S; Automation of the ASTER Emergency Data Acquisition Protocol for Scientific Analyses, Disaster Monitoring and Preparedness [Team Members]

Randel, William J; EOS Integrated Investigations of Upper Tropospheric Water, Clouds and Temperature [Team Members]

Randerson, James T; Using Satellite and Inverse Techniques to Constrain Regional and global fire emissions from 1997 to 2005: An Approach Based on the Carbon Isotope Ratio of Fire Emissions [Team Members]

Ranson, Kenneth Jon; Boreal Zone Forest Type and Structure from EOS Data Sets [Team Members]

Realmuto, Vincent J; Monitoring Volcanic Plumes and Clouds from Terra and Aqua [Team Members]

Redemann, Jens; Spatial Variability of MODIS and MISR Derived Atmospheric Data Products [Team Members]

Reichle, Rolf H; Assimilation of AMSR-E Data and Application to the Initialization of Soil Moisture Reservoirs in a Seasonal Forecasting System [Team Members]

Remer, Lorraine A; Maintenance and Refinement of the Global MODIS Aerosol Products from Terra and Aqua (MOD04/MYD04) [Team Members]

Revercomb, Henry E; Using Airs to Assess the Consistency and Stability of EOS IR Measurements for Climate Studies: Aircraft Based Validation of Airs Provides a Key Link [Team Members]

Robertson, Franklin R; Fresh Water Fluxes and Boundary Layer Thermodynamics Over the Global Oceans from Aqua and Other EOS Satellite Measurements [Team Members]

Rosenkranz, Philip William; AIRS/AMSU/HSB Algorithm Refinement Through Improved Cloud Liquid Water Profile Estimates and Cloud Clearing Metrics [Team Members]

Running, Steven W; EOS Algorithm Refinement Proposal - Global Validation and Refinement of the MOD 17 Terrestrial Net Primary Production and MOD 16 Evaporative Index [Team Members]

Saatchi, Sassan S; Forest Woody Biomss Carbon Estimates of North America from Synergistic Analysis of MODIS, MISR, and JERS Data in Support of the North American Carbon Program [Team Members]

Salomonson, Vincent V; Continuing MODIS Instrument Monitoring, Calibraion &Characterization for Level 1 Products, Checkout and Integration of Science Team Product Codes into the EOSDIS, Sustaining Science Team Administrative Operations, and Earth Science Community Support and I [Team Members]

Scambos, Ted; Improved Ice Sheet DEMs Using MODIS and Glas: Applications to Ice Dynamics and Surface Climate Parameters [Team Members]

Schaaf, Crystal B; Algorithm Refinement for the MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance/Albedo Product [Team Members]

Siegel, David A; Rigorous Application of MODIS Ocean Color Imagery to a Case II Ocean: Case Study of Plumes and Blooms in the Santa Barbara Channel [Team Members]

Smith, Ronald B; The Water Cycle of the Tigris-Euphrates Watershed: Natural Processes and Human Impacts [Team Members]

Spencer, Roy W; Continuation of the AMSR-E- Science Team Leader Group Operations [Team Members]

Stackhouse, Paul W; Fast Longwave and SHortwave Fluxes (FLASHflux) for Surface and TOA from Global CERES and MODIS Observations [Team Members]

Staelin, David H; Retrievals and Global Studies of Precipitation Rate and Cloud-Base Pressure and Temperature [Team Members]

Stamnes, Knut H; Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties and Marine Constituents in Coastal Waters. [Team Members]

Stone, Thomas C.; Long-Term, Consistent Calibration of EOS Reflectance Imaging Data Products Using the Moon [Team Members]

Stramski, Dariusz; Towards Global Monitoring of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Ocean from Satellite Observations [Team Members]

Strow, L Larrabee; Refinement of the AIRS Radiative Transfer Algorithm [Team Members]

Stumpf, Richard P; Variability of Chlorophyll and Light Availability in Estuarine and Coastal Case 2 Waters [Team Members]

Su, Wenying; Measurement of Outgoing Radiation Fluxes from Ultra-Long Duration Balloons: A Comprehensive Program of Modeling, Radiometer Adaptation, and a Demo Flight [Team Members]

Susskind, Joel; Upgrade and Maintenance of the AIRS Team Level 2 Algorithm [Team Members]

Susskind, Joel; Development and Analysis of New Climate Research Products from AIRS [Team Members]

Swap, Robert J; Sources, Transports and Impacts of Southern African Aerosols: Synthetic Case Studies using Terra and Aqua Satellite Products [Team Members]

Thome, Kurtis J; Vicarious Calibration of the Solar-Reflective Bands of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA and Cross-Comparison of MODIS to Other ESE Sensors [Team Members]

Thome, Kurtis J; Vicarious Calibration of VNIR/SWIR Bands of ASTER [Team Members]

Tobin, David C; ARM Site Atmospheric State Best Estimates for Aqua: Retrieval, Radiance, and Forward Model Validation [Team Members]

Townshend, John R G; Enhanced Land Cover and Land Cover Change Products from MODIS; An EOS Algorithm Refinement Proposal [Team Members]

Tsang, Leung; Assimilation of EOS Remote Sensing Data for Hydrologic Forecasting in the Pacific Northwest [Team Members]

Tsay, Si-Chee; SMART-COMMIT Investigation to Enrich NASA/ESE Earth Observing Systems Research [Team Members]

Ustin, Susan L; Global Estimation of Canopy Water Content [Team Members]

Uz, Baris Mete; Baroclinic Disturbances and Nutrient Dynamics of the Upper Ocean: Assessment of the Eddy-Pumping Hypothesis [Team Members]

Vermote, Eric F; Fires As a Disturbance in the Earth-Atmosphere System, a Pilot Study Using MODIS Data and Experimental Algorithms [Team Members]

Vermote, Eric F; Refinement of the MODIS Land Surface Reflectance in the Visible to Middle Infrared and Associated Products. [Team Members]

Voss, Kenneth J; Maintenance of Terra/MODIS and Aqua/MODIS Normalized Water-Leaving Radiance Algorithm Including Enhancements in Scope and Performance [Team Members]

Wan, Zhengming; Refinements of the MODIS Land-Surface Temperature Products [Team Members]

Wang, Menghua; Refinement of the MODIS Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for the Ocean Color Products [Team Members]

Waring, Richard H; Predicting Tree Species Diversity Across the Contiguous U.S.A. from Seasonal Patterns in Photosynthesis Derived with Satellite-Driven Models [Team Members]

Watson, Matthew; Developing a Multi-Species Algorithm for Quantifying Volcanic Emissions Using MODIS, Aster and AIRS [Team Members]

Weaver, Clark J; Spectral Signatures of Aerosols from Satellite Radiances [Team Members]

Wentz, Frank J; Refinement and Validation of the AMSR-E Ocean Algorithm [Team Members]

Whiteman, David N; Aqua Retrieval Algorithm Refinement Using Land-Based Lidar and Radiosonde Measurements for Validation [Team Members]

Wielicki, Bruce A; Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Climate Data Records [Team Members]

Wilheit, Thomas T; Maintenance and Refinements for the AMSR-E Level-3 Precipitation Algorithm [Team Members]

Willson, Richard C; Continuing the Scientific Investigation of the EOS ACRIMSAT/ACRIM3 Experiment [Team Members]

Wood, Eric F; A Terrestrial Evaporation Data Product Using MODIS Data [Team Members]

Wu, Liguang; Simualtion and Validation of Tropical Cyclogenesis with AQUA Multi-Sensor Data Products [Team Members]

Xu, Kuan-Man; Implementation and Vigorous Evaluation of a Super Parameterization Approach Using EOS Satellite Cloud, Radiation and Precipitation Data [Team Members]

Yang, Ping; Investigation of the Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Cirrus Clouds Over Tropics and Their Radiative Forcing Effects Usng MODIS and CERES Data [Team Members]

Yin, Zhi-Yong; Using SSM/I, TMI, and AMSR-E (AQUA) to Estimate Precipitation Over the Tibetan Plateau [Team Members]

Zeng, Xubin; Terra/Aqua Data Analysis and Modeling of Land Surface Albedo [Team Members]

Group Listings

EOS Project Science Office Staff

EOS Project Scientists

EOS Data Analysis Investigations

EOS Radiation Sciences Program Investigations

EOS Interdisciplinary Science Investigators

EOS Validation Investigations

Other EOS Investigations

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Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: August 12, 2009
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