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Doing Business In ... New York, New York

Quick Stats

New York City – by Ian Fortuno

City Population: 8,232,000
Job Growth: 6.03%
Median Home Price: $684,502

As the most populous city in the United States, with one of the most diverse cultural atmospheres, New York City is a prime location to start and develop a small business. Each of the city's five boroughs offers a different environment and a unique opportunity for economic success. New York City is home to the largest central business district in the United States as well as the first and second largest stock exchanges in the world. Also known as 'The City that Never Sleeps', New York is renown as the global hub for international business and commerce and the command center for the world economy. The mass transit system in New York City is the dominate transportation utilized by the majority of its citizens in both everyday life and commuting to work. In addition to the transportation benefits, New York City is supported by an educated and capable workforce having many graduates of top institutions, such as New York University and Columbia University, feed into its population.

Business Start-Up Assistance

Spending some time researching your idea, writing a business plan, and scouting a location will significantly increase your chances for success. There are a number of free and low-cost services that can help you get your business off the ground:

Visit New York City's Business Express portal for detailed information on starting and developing a successful business in the Big Apple.

Financing Your Business

The following organizations provide help getting loans and other types of financial assistance for businesses in New York City.

For general information on small business loans and financial assistance visit the Financing Your Business page.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

To legally operate a business in the city of New York, you'll need to obtain all necessary business licenses, operating permits and registrations.

In addition to city permits, you will also need to register your business with the federal government and State of New York. Visit the New York General Licensing page to learn about obtaining necessary federal and state licenses, permits and registrations.

Tax Credits for Small Businesses

Small business owners in New York can take advantage of several tax credits.

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