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Doing Business in Atlanta, Georgia

Quick Stats

Atlanta Georgia City Photo

City Population: 474,000
Metro Area Population: 5,138,223
Job Growth: 18.68%
Median Home Price: $250,913

Nearly 1/5th of Georgia's population resides in Fulton County, home to Georgia's capital city of Atlanta, the ninth largest metropolitan area in the country. With a wonderful transportation system, the busiest commuter airport in the world, and a highly educated work force, Atlanta is a great location to start or relocate a business. In 2008, Forbes Magazine ranked Atlanta as the sixth best city for business and careers and in 2007, the fourth fastest growing in the nation. The quality of life in Atlanta makes it easy to attract and keep quality employees.

Starting a Business in Atlanta

There are a number of free and low-cost services that can help you get your business off the ground:

Financing Your Business

Loans and other types of financial assistance for businesses in Atlanta.

For general information on small business loans and financial assistance visit the Financing Your Business page.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

To legally operate a business in the city of Atlanta, you'll need to obtain all necessary business licenses, operating permits and registrations.

Tax Credits and Incentives

Small business owners in Atlanta can take advantage of a few of tax credits.

Additional Resources

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