U.S. Senator Jim Bunning
United States Senator, Kentucky
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State Profile - KY Delegation


House of Representatives

  • Whitfield, Ed (R - District 1st )
    2411 Rayburn House Office Building

    Website: whitfield.house.gov/
    Phone: 202) 225-3115
  • Yarmuth, John (D - District 3rd)
    319 Cannon House Office Building

    Website: yarmuth.house.gov/
    Phone: 202-225-5401
  • Davis, Geoff (R - District 4th)
    1108 Longworth House Office Building

    Website: geoffdavis.house.gov/
    Phone: 202-225-3465
  • Rogers, Hal (R - District 5th)
    2406 Rayburn House Office Building

    Website: halrogers.house.gov/
    Phone: 202-225-4601
  • Chandler, Ben (D - District 6th)
    1504 Longworth Bldg

    Website: chandler.house.gov/
    Phone: (202) 225-4706

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