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The following references are for peer reviewed articles by GES DISC staff.

Acker, J., Leptoukh, G., Shen, S., Zhu, T. & Kempler, S. (2008). Remotely-sensed chlorophyll-a observations of the northern Red Sea indicate seasonal variability and influence of coastal reefs. J. Marine Syst., 69, 191-204.

 Chen, A., Leptoukh, G., Kempler, S., Nadeau, D., Zhang, X. and Di, L. (2008) Augmenting the research value of geospatial data using Google Earth. In: De Paor, D. (Editor), Google Earth Science, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, Volume 30, Paper 4.

Lohrenz, S. E., Redalje, D. G., Cai, W-J., Acker, J., & Dagg, M. (2008). A retrospective analysis of nutrients and phytoplankton productivity in the Mississippi River plume. Continental Shelf Res., 28, 1466-1475.

Savtchenko, A., Kummerer, R., Smith, P., Gopalan, A., Kempler, S., & Leptoukh, G. (2008). A-Train Data Depot - Bringing atmospheric measurements together. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46(10).

Shen,  S., Leptoukh, G. G., Acker, J. G., Yu, Z., & Kempler, S. J. (2008). Seasonal variations of chlorophyll a concentration in the northern south China Sea. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett, 5, 315-319.

Conferences and Workshops

Following are presentations and poster sessions by GES DISC staff at science conferences and workshops.

Acker, J., Riebeek, H., , Ledley, T. S., Herring, D., & Lloyd, S. (2008). The Citizens and Remote Sensing Observational Network (CARSON) Guide: Merging NASA Remote Sensing Data with Local Environmental Awareness, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Ahmad, S., Johnson, J., Leptoukh, G., Kempler, S., Duncan, B., Pickering, K., & Schoeberl, M. (2008). Monitoring of air quality from the Aura and other A-Train satellites, EOS Aura Science Team Meeting, Oct 27-30, 2008, Columbia, MD. [View poster].

Ahmad, S. P. & Remer, L. A. (2008). Sensitivity of the top of atmosphere shortwave radiances and fluxes to surface anisotropy in the presence of different types of atmospheric aerosols, International Radiance Conference IRS2008, Aug 3-8, 2008 Iguacu, Brazil. [View poster].

Berrick, S. W., Shen, S., & Ostrenga, D. (2008). Modern Era-Retrospecive-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data and services at the GES DISC. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Chen, A., Leptoukh, G., Lynnes, C., & Liu, Z. (2008). NASA airborne-acquired vertical data in Google EarthTM and Google EarthTM portal at NASA GES DISC. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Chen, A., Leptoukh, G., Kempler, S.,  & Lynnes, C. (2008). Visualization of NASA vertical profiles from A-Train and campaign missions on Google EarthTM. Scientific Applications with Google Earth Conference , Oct 22-23, 2008, Ann Arbor, MI . [View poster].

Chen, A., Leptoukh, G., Kempler, S.,  & Lynnes, C. (2008). Visualization of NASA A-Train vertical data on Google EarthTM. ISPRS Congress, Jul 3-11, 2008, Beijing, China . [View poster].

Chen, A., Leptoukh, G., Kempler, S.,  & Lynnes, C. (2008). NASA Goddard Earth observing data in Google Earth. NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Sci. Workshop Apr 28 - May 2, 2008, Univ. Maryland, Adelphi, Maryland . [View poster].

Fang, H., Beaudoing, H.K., Rodell, M., Teng, B., & Vollmer, B. (2008). Customer-oriented data formats and services for Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) products at the NASA GES DISC. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Fang, H., Hrubiak, P., Kato, H., Rodell, M., Teng, B., & Vollmer, B. (2008). Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) products from NASA Hydrology Data and Information Services Center (HDISC). ESIP Federation Summer Meeting, Jul 15 – Jul 18, 2008, Durham, New Hampshire . [View poster].

Fang, H., Hrubiak, P., Kato, H., Rodell, M., Teng, B., & Vollmer, B. (2008). Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) products from NASA Hydrology Data and Information Services Center (HDISC). Proc. ASPRS Annual Conf., Apr 28 - May 2, 2008, Portland, Oregon. [View poster].

Hearty, T., Susskind, J., Blaisdell, J., Kahn,B., Fishbein, E., & Oliphant, B. (2008). Improved spatial distribution and trends of clouds observed with the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Hegde, M., Strub, R., Lynnes, C., Fang, H., & Teng, W. (2008). Semantic Web data discovery of Earth science data at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Johnson, J., Ahmad, S., & Leptoukh, G. (2008). New collection of Aura atmospheric data products at the GES DISC,AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster]

Johnson, J., Ahmad, S., Gerasimov, I., & Leptoukh, G. (2008). Aura OMI, MLS and HIRDLS data support and services at the GES DISC, EOS Aura Science Team Meeting, Oct 27-30, 2008, Columbia, MD [View poster]

Johnson, J.E., Ahmad, S. P., & Leptoukh, G. G. (2008). Exploring the variability of ozone and trace gases with Giovanni, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2008, Jun 29-Jul 5, 2008, Tromso, Norway. [View poster].

Johnson,J.E., Ahmad, S. P., Leptoukh, G. G., Gerasimov, I.V., & Kempler, S. J. (2008). Enhanced capabilities of Aura, MLS, OMI and HIRDLS data within Giovanni, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, June 2008, Norway.

Kempler, S., Smith, P., Savtchenko, A., Leptoukh, G., Stephens, G. & Winker, D. (2008). A-Train data search and visualization to facilitate multi-instrument cloud studies. ESIP Federation Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, 2008 January 9-11. [View poster].

Kempler, S., Smith, P., Savtchenko, A., Leptoukh, G., Stephens, G. & Winker, D. (2008). Tools for accessing cloud properties from multiple heterogeneous A-Train sensors. Proc. Joint Assembly Amer. Geophysical. Union, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2008 May 27-30. [View poster].

Liu, Z ., Ostrenga, D., Leptoukh, G., & Mehta, A. (2008). Online visualization and analysis of merged geostationary satellite infrared dataset. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Liu, Z., Teng, B., Kempler, S., Rui, H., Leptoukh, G., & Ocampo, E. (2008). A global agriculture information system. Proc. ASPRS Annual Conf., Portland, Oregon, 2008 Apr 28 - May 2. [View poster].

Liu, Z., Teng, B., Kempler, S., Rui, H., Leptoukh, G., & Ocampo, E. (2008). Monitoring global droughts from space. Proc. ASPRS Annual Conf., Portland, Oregon, 2008 Apr 28 - May 2. [View poster].

Liu, Z., Leptoukh, G., Ostrenga, D., & Kempler, S. (2008). Visualization and analysis of NASA QuikSCAT and TRMM daily products. 24th IIPS, AMS 88th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2008 Jan 21-24; also Proc. 3rd Int. TRMM Sci. Conf., Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008 Feb 4-8. [View poster.]

Lloyd, S. , Acker, J., Prados, A., & Leptoukh, G. (2008). Using NASA's Giovanni Web portal to access and visualize satellite-based Earth science data in the classroom. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Moses, J.F., & Bedet, J-J. (2008). The vaule of cloud top and surface temperature observations from the 1996 Nimbus II High Resolution Infrared Radiometer historical data record. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Pham, L., Lynnes, C., Hegde, M., Graves, S., Ramachandan, R., Maskey, M., Keiser, K. (2008). Earth Science Mining Web Services. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster]

Prados, A., Leptoukh, G., Labow, G., Lloyd, S., SavtchenKo, A., Gopalan, A., & Johnson, J. (2008). Assessing U.S. particulate air quality using MODIS, OMI, Calipso and Surface PM2.5 measurements via Giovanni. Proc. Joint Assembly Amer. Geophysical Union, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2008 May 27-30. [View poster].

Rui, H., Leptoukh, G., Teng, B., & Lloyd, S. (2008). Data visualization and analysis for climate studies using NASA Giovanni online system. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Rui, H., Teng, B., Liu, Z., Leptoukh, G., & Ostrenga, D. (2008). Climatology and vertical structure of TRMM precipitable water. Proc. 3rd Int. TRMM Sci. Conf., Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008 Feb 4-8. [View poster].

Savtchenko, A., & Platnick, S. (2008). Deep convection and upper-tropospheric humidity - A look from the A-Train. Proc. Joint Assembly Amer. Geophysical. Union, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2008 May 27-30. [View poster].

Savtchenko, A., Kempler, S., Smith, P., Leptoukh, G., Stephens, G., and Winker, D. (2008).  Integrating and managing data from multiple A-Train sensors.   IGARSS 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, July 7-11.  [View abstract (PDF)]

Shen, S., Leptoukh, G., Loboda, T., Csiszar, I., Romanov, P., & Gerasimov, I. (2008). The NASA NEESPI data portal: Products, information and services. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Shen, S., Leptoukh, G., Berrick, S., Rui, H., & Kempler, S. (2008). Analysis of NASA Earth science data through Giovanni: Demonstration of system features and sample applications. NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Sci. Workshop, Univ. Maryland, Adelphi, Maryland, 2008 Apr 28 - May 2. [View poster].

Smith, P., Kempler, S., Leptoukh, G., Savtchenko, A., Kummerer, R., & Gopalan, A. (2008). A-Train Data Depot (ATDD). AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Teng, B., Kirschbaum, D. B., Hong, Y., & Adler, R. (2008). Improving global landslide algorithm forecasting with satellite soil moisture data. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Teng, B., Bonk, J., Fang, H., Hrubiak, P., Leptoukh, G., Liu, Z., Ostrenga, D., Rui, H., & Vollmer, B. (2008). NASA GES DISC provides customer-focused support of Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) and other hydrologic data sets. CUAHSI Biennial Colloquium on Hydrologic Science and Engineering, July 14-16, 2008, Boulder, Colorado.. [View poster].

Teng, B., Rui, H., Bonk, J., Hrubiak, P., Liu, Z., Nadeau, D., Ostrenga, D., & Leptoukh, G. (2008). Anatomy of TRMM science data support and services at the NASA GES DISC: the past 10 years and a look ahead to GPM. 3rd Int. TRMM Sci. Conf., Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008 Feb 4-8. [View poster].

Won, Y-I., P., Vollmer, B., Theobald, M., & Hua, X-M. (2008). AIRS data service at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) and Its Application to Climate Change Study. AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster].

Won, Y-I., Li, J., Vollmer, B., Leptoukh, G., Theobald, M., & Johnson, J. (2008). Variability of atmospheric temperatures derived from satellite measurements of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). COSPAR Assembly of 2008 , July 13-20, 2008, Montreal, Canada . [View poster].

Zubko, V., J., Leptoukh, G., & Gopalan, A. (2008). Issues in data fusion for satellite aerosol measurements for applications with GIOVANNI System at NASA GES DISC, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. [View poster]


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