

Two Billion Cars: What it Means for Climate and Energy Policy

Daniel Sperling

EETD Distinguished Lecturers Series
Berkeley, California
April 13, 2009


Microgrids: Providing Energy Services Locally

Chris Marnay

Google Tech Talks
March 25, 2009

Revolutionizing How We Power Our Cars

Fred Schlachter and Vince Battaglia

March 5, 2009

Vulcan CO2 flyover on Google Earth

Marc Fischer

February 19, 2009
Project Vulcan website

Negawatts for Buildings: Observations from the Past 25 Years

Lee Eng Lock

EETD Distinguished Lecturers Series
Berkeley, California
January 20, 2009

Cool Roofs Could Save Money, Save Planet

Hashem Akbari

ABC 7 News
By Ken Miguel
March 3, 2009

EETD Director Arun Majumdar Testifies on Building Energy Consumption

Arun Majumdar

United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Washington D.C.
February 26, 2009

Berkeley Researches Energy-Efficient Glass

Christian Kohler and Dennis DiBartolomeo

ABC 7 News
By Wayne Freedman
February 25, 2009

EETD Director Arun Majumdar at the Financial Times Energy Conference

Arun Majumdar

FT Energy Conference
London, England
February 3, 2009

Extrapolate the Past... or Invent the Future

Vinod Khosla

EETD Distinguished Lecturers Series
Berkeley, California
October 3, 2008

Waiting for the Electric Car

Vincent Battaglia

QUEST Television Story
November 25, 2008

Bay Area Scientists Work On 'Hybrid House'

Arun Majumdar

CBS 5 News
By Jeffrey Schaub
November 10, 2008

How Can China and the U.S. Work Together to Address Climate Change?

Mark Levine

Federation of American Scientists
Berkeley, California
September 25, 2008

Symposium — with speakers from Berkeley Lab, the Energy Foundation and Tsinghua Unvversity
Presentation of Service Award — Art Rosenfeld, Commissioner of the California Energy Commission

Buildings That Think Green

Arun Majumdar

Science at the Theater
Berkeley Repertory Theater
Berkeley, California
September 22, 2008

Global Energy: Supply, Demand, Consequences, Opportunities

Arun Majumdar

Summer Lecture Series
Berkeley, California
July 29, 2008

Students Invent Affordable Water Heater

Ashok Gadgil

ABC 7 News
By Terry McSweeney
July 22, 2008

Climate Change: The Role of Particles and Gases

Surabi Menon

Summer Lecture Series
Berkeley, California
July 1, 2008

Darfur Stoves Project

Ashok Gadgil

QUEST Television Story
May 20, 2008

Saving Power at Peak Hours

Mary Ann Piette

Science at the Theater
Berkeley Repertory Theater
Berkeley, California
March 10, 2008

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: A Low-Energy House in Berkeley, Kabul and Washington D.C.

Rick Diamond

Science at the Theater
Berkeley Repertory Theater
Berkeley, California
September 17, 2007

Transition Metal Switchable Mirror

Tom Richardson and Jonathan Slack

February 15, 2007

Energy Efficient Buildings and Appliances: From Berkeley Lab to the Marketplace

Art Rosenfeld

Summer Lecture Series
Berkeley, California
July 10, 2006

The Energy-Water Connection

Jim McMahon

Summer Lecture Series
Berkeley, California
July 14, 2004