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Do you know what bullying is? Do you think this is a problem at your school, especially with girls? Have you ever experienced this firsthand? What would you do if someone was bullying you?

I’ve been bullied. I think we should just ignore them. I think mostly why they bully you is because they’re jealous so you may think good of yourself and forget the bad things they have said or have done.

Bullying shouldn't be left alone; don't think (parents) that it will just "eventually pass on" or "go away". Bullying is bad, it’s not good for any youngster to experience this in their happy & full-of-life years. I've been through this-no actually I’m going through this and right now I’m scared of even thinking about going back to school because I don't want to face them. But you know, seriously what's the worst that can happen? Getting into a fight? Personally inflicting mental damage to the mind and spirit? Stand up! Let people hear you out! Talk to teachers or even friends. Just always make sure to have at least someone with you at all times. Not to start a fight but to just be with you, so you can be calm and not worry about those bullies. My own mother went through this and even her experience with bullying was worse than mine. Compared to mine, hers was so traumatic that you would probably cry each and every single day you come from school. But my mother is strong and I envy her for that.

I know what bullying is. I have been bullied since Kindergarten.

Bullying is verbal and mental abuse to the bully and the victim. And bullying hurts people a lot so prevent bullying!

I would go up to the person and tell them, " You should really think about what you’re doing, what you are doing to people, so I would step down from where you think you are and look behind yourself!" Then I would leave the room and ignore them for the rest of the day.

In logical terms, bullying is mental, verbal or physical harm done by another to a person. There are many kinds of bullying. There's the kind where girls at school will make fun of the new shirt you got, or the gross remark a boy made to you. I have been bullied by different people many times during my school years. I was sexually harassed, and girls often made fun of what I wore, or what I believed in. They even made remarks about my appearance, saying I was "ugly" or "different". In these dreadful cases, I often told a trusted adult, such as a parent, guidance counselor or teacher. They can help you on such problems.

Bullying is usually formed by cliques because people need support to bully.

I think bulling is someone who is mad or sad and takes it out on other kid and thats why there called bullys.

I know what bullying is and it is not funny not one bit! It can hurt you in many, many ways. But it hurts you the most in all of the ways. Stand up for yourself!

Mainly these two girls at my school tease me and my friends. They do it because my new friend is considered weird. What’s really bad is that I used to be just like them. I didn’t know her and thought she was weird. But the point is that I stood by my friends for 2 years and I'm not going to stop now.

Well at my school, it’s a racial thing. Everyone’s in gangs and of sorts nowadays, it's really annoying because I’m in no gang, I stand up for myself but then again I’m not as strong as the girls that go around punching everyone up, I’ve never been touched but I have heard by my friends that they're after me, and they will come for me when I get back to school. I really don't know what to do as I’m not tall and strong and I can't walk away from it????

Bullying isn’t a big problem at our school. The older kids may push younger ones a little. I live in a small community, so the school isn’t big. I know names of kids 1-9th grade. So, it isn’t a problem. But I do know what it’s like to be put down by the boys.... but they just want to get on my nerves.

I think bullying is a major problem with people who have low self-esteem, they just do it to feel better about themselves.

Bullying is where someone is hurting you in some way either emotionally or physically and it`s always wrong. I don`t really think this is a problem at my school but I`m pretty sure it will be in high school. If someone was bullying me emotionally, at first I would tell them very nicely to stop, but if they kept on I would just walk away and try to avoid them as much as possible. If someone was bullying me physically I would run and tell an adult that I trust as soon as possible.

I've been bullied twice and I've done something about it. I've been bullied more than twice, but I ignored the girls that have done the bullying, and they stopped. Here's the first story. I had to leave my old school and move to a new school, and I met one of my friends from my old school. She told me that right when I left my old school my "best friend" ("" because she always started fights with me, but "supposedly" we always made up) told all my secrets to pretty much all the girls in my grade and the boys that I liked. She also told my other friends that she was glad I left, because she hated me. So, I called her up and asked her why she would do that to me. She told me that she felt like it. I asked her how would she feel if someone told all her secrets and talk behind her back, like she did to me. She said she wouldn't like it and then she apologized. That ended that. The other story is, a girl from a grade higher than me, started telling everyone that I was mean and she was going to hit me with a baseball bat. I never did anything to her, and I only knew her from my cheer team. Then, a group of friends at a sleepover told me that she made a song about me. The song was, "Oh my gosh ****** *******'s (*'s replaced my name) coming. I better call my mama before I hit her with a bat. WHAM!" This was the end of it. I told my mom and dad, then they called her mom and dad and settled it. From then on, I never heard anyone telling me about her saying anything like that again. That's how I put up with the bullying.

This is about a comment on here already: it doesn't matter if you go to a private school. I read a story about a girl who was bullied at a private school, a Catholic school, at that. It's just less likely to get reported there because of the difference in rules at private and public school.

This girl was bullying me and I don't know why. I think because she didn't feel good about herself, so she picks on other girls to deal with her pain. That doesn't make sense, but I think it's true.

Bullying is when someone taunts & teases you. I think bullying is a huge problem in schools today and it needs to be stopped. I have experienced bullying and the FIRST THING I would do is tell my mom.

Bullying at my school is physical mainly. The clique of bullies is of five people. They push people and make fun of all the shy people and a lot of others.

I think that if a person is bullied that should tell an adult! Then if they don’t tell an adult, I say handle it yourself! But in a good way not go up to them and start a fight, but just go up to them and ask them to stop picking on you and show them why it hurts! And if they don’t stop then try to tell their parents! I also think if a person is picking on someone that their having problems in their home so they take it out on other people! I used to b a bully and I changed because I saw how I was hurting the other person and I was hurting myself too! So never bully anybody because the only thing it’s going to do is come back on you 10 times harder!

I think bullying is wrong. People make fun of me because of my hair and how shy I am. They don't only pick on me they pick on all of my friends.

Bullying dosen't go on in my school because I go to a private school.

I would talk to my friends.

Bullying is a way of harming someone and lowering their self-esteem physically or verbally. This is a problem at my school because it usually ends up turning into gossip and small cliques around school which eventually turns into physical fights. I have experienced this firsthand and it really hurts. People can really be embarrassed alone and afraid of people so much that they don't go to school on purpose because someone is bullying them. If someone is bullying you, you won't be a tattletale if you report it especially if it is effecting your life at school or home in more ways then one. Always speak out if you are getting bullied.

Bullying is when you bully someone for no reason we don't have bullies at school. I would tell a teacher if a bully was bullying me.

Okay, if I had a bully problem at school, I would just ignore it. BUT if they hit me twice, ITS ON!!!

There is one bully at my school and she is a girl. There are very few of us, like only 5 in our class, so I am always bullied. I have learned to stand up for myself and it really helps, so don't let a bully walk all over you!

At my school there is definitely NOT physical bullying between the girls...but there is definitely bullying, emotional and social. I have experienced bullying firsthand...a lot of my friends make fun of a group of girls at my school. I’ve never had the courage to speak up though.

At my school, in my grade, there are two certain bullies. One is a boy, the other a girl. The girl was extremely mean, and her 'friends' actually weren't her friends, they just hung around her. Three things that this girl did that were mean were: one, when I got so dehydrated that I had to go to the ER, she told everyone that I had had a SEIZURE. The next day she said in this honey-sweet voice, " Oh, I was SO worried about you!" Two, when I raised my hand first to get something she was passing out, she gave it to me last. Thirdly, I had celery for snack, and she said, in a voice so loud, everyone could hear, " Ewww! She has CELERY for snack!" of course, she was saying this with junk food in her hands. Next time she does something like that, I'm going to ask her why she did it, and to stop. I hope there isn't a next time, though.

A lot of bullying goes on in my school and I haven't experienced firsthand. If someone bullied me I would tell my parents and teachers.

Bullying does go on in my school because a lot of people are older and mean.

In my school we don't have the type of bullies that beat you up but the type that crush your self-esteem with insults. I think that is worse than getting beat up!!

OKAY STOP PLEASE! Everyone gets bullied and I think it is so stupid but if you get hurt or anything tell someone and if it stills happens tell an adult I mean if you don’t, don’t go and start crying about saying no one helped you if you didn’t do anything to help yourself so really if you don’t want to get bullied help yourself and try to TELL!

Just be confident and don’t give the bullies anything to tease you about and they won’t be able to harm you.

I just want to say that bullies do what they do to make themselves feel better. Just know that you are the better person and that is why you are being bullied and that should make you feel better in a situation where you would have to deal with a bully.

Bullying is treating someone not like yourself. It can be a word, a physical punch or kick, or it could be just a threat. In ways, girls are meaner than boys. Most teenagers I know are bullies in some way. In some way, every single person on this Earth is a bully. Bulling does not happen a lot at my elementary school but now that I am going to go into middle school this year they will probably be more. Always get adult help when it comes to dealing with a bully. Bulling has happened to everyone. If you haven't gotten bullied but are the bully think about who will have friends in the long run.

Yes, I know firsthand what bullying is. At my old school kids used to tease, hit, and torture me I am a quiet person so I did nothing until 5th grade when I went off.

Lots of girls in my school get bullied by people. Most of the time it is from girls that are the teacher’s daughter. I think people should stop worrying about fitting in and try to ignore people!

I am going into 10th grade and my best friend doesn't have her period or breasts yet. All of the popular, big breasted girls tease her. I have seen it.

I think bullies pick on kids with low self esteem (maybe kids who have been bullied before) I’ve never been bullied. People just know I don’t tolerate it. People can jokingly say 'you're so obese' but since I’m average weight, and I have confidence I can laugh it off. Having confidence is key!

Sometimes friends bully because they’re jealous. They will lie and say that you are bullying them to get away with it, and that happened to me. My friend would call me fat, and touch me in places I didn't want to be touched, like she would squeeze my sides and stuff. I told my school principle and we're no longer friends. I was only her friend because she had no friends, and then she abused the fact I was nice to her. People didn't like her for that reason, and we are no longer friends. And I got in trouble, until my parents got involved.

In my sixth grade year, I was a cyber bully. Two of my friends and I would send an anonymous email to the whole grade. We'd say things that could devastate others. We weren't trying to be mean, we were just having fun. Until parents found out. Everyone but our parents that is. Then, parents started telling the principal. We were humiliated. We ended up being the ones that were devastated :-/.

I have been bullied a lot before. I hated it!! But I tried to stop it but there is nothing that could help!! I think bullying is a very big problem in most schools!!!

A friend of mine is always getting teased by other girls because she is weird and slightly overweight. THIS MUST STOP.

Fat girls are not always picked on. You can be any shape and any weight and be picked on.

Sometimes people bully because they feel bad about themselves. They also could be having problems at home.

One of my friends are overweight and she's always last to get picked in games, everybody always talks about her behind her back and she's always made fun of.

Lots of guys can be super mean, especially while developing. Some girls hurt you about your curves. ALWAYS.

A girl in my class who is my best friend she gets picked on EVERY day and the school or her parents never do anything.

That’s not always true. I’m over weight and I never get picked on.

Me and my best friends Cassidy and Darian were bullied from 3rd to 4th grade. My life was bad I was depressed and cried for no reason at all. So bullying should be STOP I MEAN STOP!

I think that girls going through puberty get bullied a lot. Bullying is picking on someone else to make you seem or feel tough. But bullying is not right.

Fat girls are always picked on.

Bullying is wrong and HAS to be stopped. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE should or be able to hurt you and make you feel bad about yourself. This is your life, and you need to tell the bullies that they're hurting you and others around you. You're beautiful, and no one can tell you that you're not!

If someone bullied me, I would definitely tell and adult and speak up for myself. Nobody deserves to be treated badly, especially from a bully. Girls can be just as bad as a bully as boys, in fact, sometime girls are worse. Girls pick on others, threaten others, and exclude them.

I think that this site is great and very interesting.

Ok one I'm Canadian. When I was bullied every time the bully said something mean to me I would act like I liked when she said it! It drove her nuts so she told on me and told the teacher that I was pretending that she was saying nice stuff and the teacher said that was a mature way to handle it.

If someone talks bad about you don’t talk bad about them. Say what you need to say to their face and not behind their back.

I think that bullying is worse for girls because they have to worry about acne, make-up, figures, all the latest gossip, and the latest trends and styles. If any one of these things is forgotten, then they pretty much get made fun of for it. I got bullied a lot but then I finally stood up to the people who were making fun of me. They never made fun of me again.

Bullying is definitely a problem at my school. When I was younger, I was bullied a lot. Now I see a lot of girls getting picked on and I help them out. I might not have the courage to stand up for them, but I always ask if I can do anything after it's over.

Bullying is anything that puts you down. One time a boy I know kept saying mean things to me, and I consider that bullying. It's very upsetting. Whenever someone is bullying you, you should distract yourself with something else. Don't believe ANYTHING a bully says about you. And if they are hurting you then you should definitely tell someone.

Fat girls ALWAYS get picked on.

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Content last updated August 2009

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
