Ancillary Description Writer's Guide
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About Ancillary Descriptions
What is an Ancillary Description?
Procedure for Suggesting Changes
XML Data Center Template
XML Instrument Schema
XML Instruments Template
XML Project Schema XML Project Template
XML Platform Schema XML Platform Template
Data Center Ancillary fields (AD-Dc)
Data Center ID (DEntry_ID) (required)
Data Center Long Name
Data Center URL
Data Center Text (required)
IDN Node
Revision Date
Instrument Ancillary fields (AD-I)
Instrument ID (Entry_ID) (required)
Instrument Identification
Integrated Sensors (Instrument_Associated _Sensors)
Associated Platforms
Spectral/Frequency Domain (Spectral_Frequency_Information)
Instrument Description
Creation Date
Revision Date
Online Resource
Sample Image
IDN Node
Instrument Logistics
Platform Ancillary fields (AD-P)
Platform ID (Entry_ID) (required)
Platform Identification
Synonymous Platform Names
Platform-based Instruments (Platform_Associated_Instruments)
Platform Description
Creation Date
Revision Date
Online Resource
Sample Image
IDN Node
Platform Logistics
Project Ancillary fields (AD-Pr)
Project ID (PEntry_ID) (required)
Project Long Name
Project Text (required)
IDN Node
Revision Date
Add to the GCMD
Create a record using the online writing tool.
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This document should be cited as:
Ancillary Description Writer's Guide, 2008.
Global Change Master Directory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [].