



MCC and Ghana: An Innovative Partnership Delivering on America’s Promise to Africa

In August 2006, the Millennium Challenge Corporation signed a five-year $547 million Compact with the Republic of Ghana aimed at reducing poverty by raising farmer incomes through private sector-led and agribusiness development. MCC investments are intended to increase the production and productivity of high-value cash and food staple crops in some of the poorest regions and to enhance the competitiveness of Ghana’s agricultural products in regional and international markets. The MCC Compact in Ghana entered into force (EIF) in February 2007, formally initiating the 5-year timeline for project implementation.

In early 2009, this Compact was restructured to better respond to farmer demand for services and increased project costs.

A Ghanaian Working Mother's Story

MCC in Africa

MCC and Ghana Success Stories

For press inquiries, please contact Sarah Stevenson, stevensons@mcc.gov.

For the most up-to-date information on implementation progress, please read the Quarterly Implementation Status Report. 

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