Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies


Chair: Chet Edwards (TX)
Sam Farr (CA)
John T. Salazar (CO)
Norman D. Dicks (WA)
Patrick J. Kennedy (RI)
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA)
Marion Berry (AR)
Steve Israel (NY)
David R. Obey (WI), Ex Officio


Ranking Member:
Zach Wamp (TN)

Ander Crenshaw (FL)
C.W. Bill Young (FL)
John R. Carter (TX)
Jerry Lewis (CA), Ex Officio

Chet Edwards (TX), Chair

Chet Edwards (TX), Chair

Carol Murphy, Subcommittee Clerk
Room H-143 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3047

Press Releases

2010 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill
- 2010 Bill and Report: HR 3082
- Bill Summary: Passed by House (7/10/2009)
- Bill Summary: Passed by Full Committee
- List of Programs Cut or Terminated

FY2010 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee Markup
- Edwards Statement
- Summary Table
- Earmark List

Press Releases 2008
Press Releases 2007


Full Committee Markup - State, Foreign Operations and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs
4:00 PM, 2359 Rayburn

Subcommittee Markup - Military Construction, Veterans Affairs
9:00 AM, H-140 The Capitol

Hearing: Air Force Budget
10:00 AM, H-143 The Capitol
Gen Norton A. Schwartz, Chief of Staff (Testimony)

Hearing: Department of Defense
10:00 AM, H-143 The Capitol
Robert F. Hale, Comptroller (Testimony)
Wayne Army (Testimony)

Hearing: Secretary of Veterans Affairs
1:30 PM, 2359 Rayburn
Eric Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Testimony)

Hearing: Navy, Marine Corps Budget
Adm. Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations (Testimony)
Gen. James T. Conway, Commandant of the Marine Corps (Testimony)
2:00 PM, H-143 The Capitol

Hearing: Army Budget
Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., Army Chief of Staff (Testimony)
10:00 AM, H-143 The Capitol

Hearing: Base Posture and Supplemental Request
9:30 AM, 2359 Rayburn
Gen. David Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command (Testimony)

Hearing: Related Agencies
2:00 PM, H-143 The Capitol
Chief Judge William Greene, U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Gen. (Retired) Frederick M. Franks, Jr., Chairman, American Battle Monuments Commission
BGen (Retired) John W. Nicholson, Secretary, American Battle Monuments Commissions (Testimony)
Terrence C. Salt, Principal Dep. Assist. Secretary for the Army (Civil Works), Arlington National Cemetery (Testimony)
Timothy C. Cox, Armed Forces Retirement Home (Testimony)

Hearing: Outside Witnesses
10:00 AM, H-143 The Capitol

Hearing: Base Realignment and Closure
10:00 AM, H-143 The Capitol
Wayne Arny, Dep. Under Secretary of Defense, Installations and Environment (Testimony)
Keith Eastin, Assist. Secretary of the Army, Installations and Environment (Testimony)
B. J. Penn, Assist. Secretary of the Navy, Installations and Environment (Testimony)
Kevin W. Billings, Acting Assist. Secretary of the Air Force, Installations, Environment & Logistics

Hearing: Medical Transition - Defense to Veterans Affairs
2:00 PM, H-143 Capitol
Michael J. Kussman, MD, Under Secretary for Health, Veterans Affairs(Testimony)
S. Ward Casscells, MD, Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs, Department of Defense(Testimony)

Hearing: European Command
10:00 AM, H-143 Capitol
Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, U.S. Commander, European Command (Testimony)

Hearing: Pacific Command
1:30 PM, H-143 Capitol
Adm. Timothy J. Keating, U.S. Navy Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
Gen. Walter "Skip" Sharp, Commander, Republic of North Korea-United States Combined Forces Command, and Commander, United States Forces Korea (Testimony)

Hearing: Family and Troop Housing
1:30 PM, H-143 Capitol
Wayne Arny, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) (Testimony)
Keith Eastin, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment) (Testimony)
B.J. Penn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment) (Testimony)
Kevin Billings, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment, and Logistics) (Testimony)

Hearing: VA Challenges
10:00 AM, H-143 Capitol
Randall B. Williamson, Director, Health Care, GAO (Testimony)
John D. Daigh, Jr., MD, CPA, Assistant Inspector General for Healthcare Inspections
Valerie C. Melvin, Director, Information Management and Human Capital Issues,GAO (Testimony)
Belinda J. Finn, Assistant Inspector General for Auditing
Maureen T. Regan, Counselor to the Inspector General

Hearing: Servicemembers Quality of Life
10:00 AM, H-143 Capitol
Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston (Testimony)
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Carlton Kent (Testimony)
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Rick West (Testimony)
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Rodney McKinley (Testimony)

Events 2008
Events 2007


Instructions for
Members Submitting
Written Testimony

FY 2010 Earmark
 Certification Letters

FY 2009 Earmark
 Certification Letters

2010 Bill - HR 3082
Text, Congressional Action, Status

Previous Bills


Department of Defense

  Military Construction,
  Army, Navy (including
  Marine Corps), Air Force,
  Defense-Wide, and
  Guard and Reserve Forces

  Chemical Demilitarization
  Construction, Defense

  Military Family Housing
  Construction and Operation
  and Maintenance,
  Army, Navy (including
  Marine Corps), Air Force,
  and Defense-Wide

  Family Housing
  Improvement Fund

  Military Unaccompanied
  Housing Improvement

  Homeowners Assistance

  Base Realignment and
  Closure Accounts

  NATO Security Investment

Department of Veterans Affairs

Related Agencies

  American Battle
  Monuments Commission

  Armed Forces Retirement

  Department of Defense,
  Civil, Cemeterial
  Expenses, Army

  U.S. Court of Appeals
  for Veterans Claims