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Fiscal Responsibility Pages: 1 | 2
Hoyer on the National Debt Rep. Hoyer addresses debt limit ceiling at press conference on April 10, 2003
Whip Hoyer, Blue Dogs and Bush Deficit Whip Hoyer and the Blue Dog Coalition denounce "ballooning" $5.2 trillion Bush deficit
Whip Hoyer, Rep. Spratt, and Rep. Stenholm Whip Hoyer, Budget Cmte Ranking Member John Spratt (SC) and Rep. Charlie Stenholm (D-TX) assail House Republicans for failing to apply pay-as-you-go rules to taxes and spending.
Whip Hoyer helps kick off "New Partnership" Whip Hoyer and House Democrats kick off "New Partnership for America's Future"
Whip Hoyer and Leader Pelosi Whip Hoyer and Leader Pelosi join House Democrats at kickoff event for the "New Partnership with America"
Rep. Hoyer highlights the negative impact the Republican FY06 Budget would have on young people in America. Rep. Hoyer highlights the negative impact the Republican FY06 Budget would have on young people in America.
Rep. Hoyer, with Rep. Capps, shows how Republican policies will leave future generations of Americans with huge deficits. Rep. Hoyer, with Rep. Capps, shows how Republican policies will leave future generations of Americans with huge deficits.
Hoyer is joined by Rep. Dennis Cardoza and Rep. Stephanie Herseth to discuss how fiscally irresponsible Republican budget plans will add to the already record deficit. Hoyer is joined by Rep. Dennis Cardoza and Rep. Stephanie Herseth to discuss how fiscally irresponsible Republican budget plans will add to the already record deficit.
Majority Leader Hoyer joins President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Members at the White House for announcement on PAYGO. Majority Leader Hoyer joins President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Members at the White House for announcement on PAYGO.
PAYGO Press Conference on introduction of PAYGO legislation.
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