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Recent Grant Awards

Research Proposals Funded Under the Commission's FY2008 Solicitation

Category: Conservation of critically endangered marine mammal species or populations

  • C. Scott Baker, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University: Genetic differentiation, individual dispersal and effective population size of the New Zealand Hector's and Maui’s dolphins: implications for management
  • Yulia Ivashchenko, Seastar Scientific: Review of the Okhotsk Sea bowhead whale population

Category:  Indirect effects of fisheries on marine mammals

  • Nélio Barros, Portland State University: Marine mammal-fishery interactions: assessing the effects of a gillnet ban on bottlenose dolphins from two Florida resident populations
  • Jason Link, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center: Marine mammal consumption of key prey fishes and invertebrates in the northeast United States: modeling, magnitude and sensitivity analysis
  • Andrew Read, Duke University: An uncertainty analysis based on a modified PBR equation to assess relative risk of marine mammal stocks to indirect effects of fishing
  • Federico G. Riet Sapriza, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay: Foraging behavior and dietary preferences of South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens: resource competition with artisanal and coastal bottom trawl fishery in Uruguay

Projects Funded by the Commission in Fiscal 2008

Project Title Principal Investigator Organization
Genetic differentiation, individual dispersal and effective population size of the New Zealand Hector's and Maui's dolphins: Implications for management Baker, C.S. Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University
Marine mammal fishery interactions: Assessing the effects of a gillnet ban on bottlenose dolphins from two Florida resident populations Barros, N. Chicago Zoological Society
Translation services at the Fifth International Conference on Marine Mammals of the Holarctic Bengtson, J., and V. Burkanov, Organizing Committee North Pacific Wildlife Consulting
Support for publication of the monograph "Cetaceans of the Southern Hemisphere: Biology and the prospect of population recovery" Burkanov, V. North Pacific Wildlife Consulting
Ecological studies of sea otters in the Commander Islands, Russia Estes, J. University of California, Santa Cruz
Workshop to develop a strategic plan for a cooperative disease center for marine animal health Goldstein, T. University of California, Davis
Status and conservation of the Cook Inlet beluga whale and development of criteria for assessing marine mammal status and using population viability analysis Goodman, D. Montana State University
Development and system support of the Marine Mammal Commission's Survey of Federally-Funded Research Greenberg, B. Alion Science & Technology, Washington Consulting Government Services
Non-lethal deterrence efforts to minimize pinniped-fishery interactions at Gold Beach, Oregon Griffin, G. Port of Gold Beach
Arctic Council working group meetings in 2008: Participation in the Arctic Council's Twelfth Biennial Meeting of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF XII) and reporting on the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) working group meetings Huntington, H. Huntington Consulting
Review of the Okhotsk Sea bowhead whale population Ivashchenko, Y. Seastar Scientific
Review of offshore oil and gas industry activities occurring at present and areas of interest for the next decade Ray, J. Oceanic Environmental Solutions, LLC
Support for meeting of IUCN/SSC Pinniped Specialist Group and development of Pinniped Action Plan Kovacs, K. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Marine mammal consumption of key prey fishes and invertebrates in the northeast United States: Modeling, magnitude and sensitivity analysis Link, J. National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Human dimensions of marine mammal management in the Arctic: Implications for policy in a changing North Lovecraft, A.L., and C. Meek University of Alaska Fairbanks
Research on northern sea otters in Washington state: Health and Stranding Response Program and Oil Spill Response Plan Lynch, D. U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Washington Office
Transient killer whale predation in southeastern Alaska Matkin, D. North Gulf Oceanic Society
Second International Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals Mellinger, D. Oregon State University
Gray seal tagging on Muskeget Island, Massachusetts Ono, K. University of New England
A new species of beaked whale at Palmyra Island? Pitman, R. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries
Publication and distribution of Sirenews (2008 - 2012) Powell, J.A. Sea to Shore Alliance, Inc.
An uncertainty analysis based on a modified PBR equation to assess relative risk of marine mammal stocks to indirect effects of fishing Read, A., and J. Moore Duke University
Foraging behavior and dietary preferences of the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens: Resource competition with artisanal and coastal bottom trawl fisheries in Uruguay? Riet Sapriza, F. Cetaceos Uruguay
An integrated approach to community-based monitoring of killer whales around the Pribilof Islands, Alaska Robson, B., and K. Holser St. George Island Institute
Improving acoustic survey methods for detecting the highly endangered vaquita Rojas-Bracho, L. Oceanides Conservacion y Desarrollo Marino, A.C.
Bringing the knowledge of fishermen to bear on developing conservation strategies to reduce bycatch of Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhyncus acutus) in the northwest Atlantic bottom trawl fishery Rosenberg, A., and E. Zollett University of New Hampshire
Southern right whale stranding response at Peninsula Valdes: Monitoring right whale health and building Argentine capacity Rowntree, V. Whale Conservation Institute/ Ocean Alliance
"Historical Perspectives": A new feature of the journal Aquatic Mammals Thomas, J. Aquatic Mammals
Why did the Yangtze River dolphin become extinct?: Identifying extinction drivers and causes of conservation failure Turvey, S. Zoological Society of London



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