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The Leader's Blog

Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» Hoyer Statement on Floor Schedule for Housing Legislation, February 26, 2009
Right now, the House is concluding general debate on H.R. 1106, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on President Obama’s Budget, February 26, 2009
Today, President Obama released his budget for Fiscal Year 2010, and Congress is ready to debate and examine it in detail.
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» Dialogue about Administration's Agenda Moving Forward on Morning Joe, February 26, 2009
The President was pretty clear in his speech Tuesday night that, you know, we're not going to tolerate giving money to people who waste it. We're not going to tolerate giving money to people that use it on themselves. The taxpayers have been very generous and focused on trying to stabilize the economy which meant helping our financial institutions.
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» Hoyer Affirms Budget Proposed by President Obama on Squawkbox, February 26, 2009
President Obama said was he was going to submit an honest budget and says this is a much more reasonable and honest budget that includes the cost of the war which we're not including previously, the cost of adjusting the minimum tax. I think it realistically puts forward a plan to get us to halve the budget deficit by the end of President Obama's first term.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2009, February 25, 2009
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» Hoyer Announces House to Vote on DC House Voting Rights Act Next Week, February 25, 2009
With today’s markup, Congress is one step closer to bringing representation to the people of this city. And I am happy to report that I, with the help of the three distinguished Members here with me, will bring the DC voting rights bill to the floor of the House next week.
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» Hoyer Statement on the FY09 Omnibus Appropriations Bill, February 25, 2009
Today, the House completed its work on the fiscal year 2009 appropriations bills.
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» Nation Embraces President Obama’s Honest Budget Blueprint for the Future, February 25, 2009
President Obama’s address last night to a Joint Session of Congress called for a “new era of responsibility,” and assured the country that even when faced with economic and fiscal crises, America has the resilience to emerge stronger than before.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Responds to President Obama's Address, February 24, 2009
Tonight, President Obama inspired our nation to confront our economic crisis and turn adversity into opportunity.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2009, February 24, 2009
Suspensions, H.R. 1105 – Omnibus Appropriations Act, Dispose of H.Res. __ - Raising a question of privileges of the House
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» Democratic Leaders Respond to President Obama's Address, February 24, 2009
Tonight, Democratic Leaders responded to President Obama's address to a Joint Session of Congress.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Announces Staff Changes, February 24, 2009
In announcing the promotion of Covey-Brandt, Hoyer said: “Throughout her six years in my office, Alexis has continually demonstrated her competence and capabilities across a range of responsibilities. Alexis is a tireless worker, and has earned this well-deserved promotion. She knows our Caucus very well, and will be a terrific asset for this office and Members as Floor Director.”
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» Hoyer: Senate Vote is Major Breakthrough for DC Voting Rights Legislation, February 24, 2009
Clearance of the 60-vote threshold in the Senate is a major breakthrough that paves the way to passage and moves us closer to righting a 200-year old wrong that is contradictory to our American ideals at best, and at worst, a denial of democracy for 600,000 citizens living in the District of Columbia.
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» Getting Our Fiscal House in Order, February 24, 2009
When President Obama took office just over a month ago, he inherited President Bush’s record deficits, debt and an economy in shambles.
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» You Can’t Spell “Earmark” Without an “R”, February 24, 2009
As the House begins debate on the FY09 Consolidated Appropriations Act this week, Republicans are continuing to try to sweep their history under the rug and convince the American people that they are committed to fiscal responsibility.
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» Hoyer Addressing Obama Speech on Fox News, February 24, 2009
I felt it was an excellent speech. I felt he did exactly what he needed to do. First of all, he laid out the problem that confronts us immediately and explained what we were doing to meet that crisis and what we would do to meet that crisis.
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» Hoyer Discusses Subject Matter of Obama's Speech on WTOP Radio, February 24, 2009
He will talk about healthcare being affordable to our people and he will talk about the political picture of energy independence and the importance of energy independence. Also of course to make sure that we are environmentally friendly in our use of energy , and that he will also talk about the future of our education system is the best at the time that it took provides for the young people and not so young people to be competitive in the world marketplace in which we find ourselves.
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» Reaction to President Obama's Address, February 24, 2009
On Fox News Channel
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» THE DAILY LEADER: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2009, February 23, 2009
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on White House Fiscal Summit, February 23, 2009
Today’s fiscal summit at the White House was a positive step as we begin to address our nation’s long-term fiscal challenges, and I commend President Obama for convening this meeting so quickly at the beginning of his Presidency.
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» House Appropriations Committee Introduces FY09 Consolidated Appropriations Act, February 23, 2009
Today, the House Appropriations Committee introduced legislation to wrap up work on the fiscal year 2009 appropriations bills.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009, February 22, 2009
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» Hoyer: Time to Keep the Founders' Promise in D.C., February 22, 2009
Two and a quarter centuries ago, before the Capitol had even been imagined, the Founders were asking a question we still hear in the District to this day. How could they cut out a city from its home state and put it under the direct rule of Congress without violating the principles they had just fought a war to secure?
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23, 2009, February 20, 2009
Suspensions, Consolidated Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2009
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» Hoyer Receives Honorary Degree from Washington College, February 20, 2009
‘I am too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors.’ George Washington left his country’s service with those words, in his farewell address.
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